Tuesday, April 23, 2013

BREAKING! MORE VIPs ARE GETTING ON THE BANDWAGON! The Obama Fraud Is Nearing a Complete Exposure!

LATEST (April 23, 2013) On Arpaio Obama Fraud Investigation

Carl Gallups (Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups and PPSIMMONS founder) says that he has recently spoken with Lt. Mike Zullo, lead investigator of the Arpaio Obama Fraud investigation. Here is what Gallups says is happening right now:


1. Lt. Zullo confirms that a meeting with a large "group" of VIPs is now on the schedule. This is a huge step forward in the potential prosecution of the Obama fraud. This meeting arrangement was just finalized in the last couple of days. The group of VIPs has asked to see the Arpaio evidence, in light of all the recent exposure that Gallups and Zullo have brought to the case with their recent trip to CPAC and Capitol Hill. Zullo will soon give them a presentation that should prove to be overwhelming evidence of the fraud, felony, and fabrication perpetrated by the White House. If this group endorses what Arpaio and Zullo shows them - it could prove to be a huge advancement in the potential prosecution of the case. This presentation is scheduled to happen just weeks from now.

2. Another, and very important, VIP of standing is still promising and laying specific plans for a monumental exposure of the case and movement for criminal prosecution. We are still hoping this plan will come to fruition within the next couple of months. If this comes off as planned, it will be huge, especially if that plan then has the backing of the large group of VIPs mentioned above.

3. A couple of other meetings with additional VIPs of standing are on the calendar. They too wish to personally see and hear the evidence that Arpaio and his investigators have amassed in this criminal case of national fraud.

Gallups says, "As these meetings, events and plans come together we are hoping for a snow ball effect. We believe that more and more people of standing will come on board as they see the boldness and courage of others who are willing to speak to the truth of the matter and bring this case to full light and prosecution."

When asked what the "the truth" of the matter was, Gallups responded, "The truth is that the birth certificate proffered by Obama himself as his ONLY identifying document presented to the public thus far - is a fake. It's a forged and fabricated document. The question has to be asked - 'Why would the POTUS present a forged document to the nation and proclaim this to be his legitimate identification?'  It doesn't make sense - unless, perhaps, he has no legitimate identification. If this is so, it goes directly to national security, constitutional law, federal law, and a potential constitutional crises." 

We asked Gallups to define what he means by a "VIP."   Gallups responded, "A VIP is a very important person of standing. That is a person who can DO something about this case - a person who can move this case to the prosecution level. There are several State and Federal officials and law enforcement entities that can make that happen. These are the ONLY people we are dealing with at this point. The investigation has been done. The evidence is in. The document is a 100% proven and signed off on - FRAUD. There is no more question about that."

Gallups went on to say, " Now the only questions that remain are 1. Who did it? and 2. Why did the POTUS offer it as his own?   These are huge questions and we are dealing only with people now who have "standing" in the matter - people who can get this case to a prosecution level. That is finally happening. We are further along now with this matter than ever before. I know people are anxious. Mike Zullo, Sheriff Arpaio, and I are asking people to be patient - something will happen soon."

Gallups said that DONATIONS to the Arpaio Cold Case Posse can be made at http://www.mcsoccp.org/joomla/index.php/donations

The ONLY money used by the Cold Case Posse in this investigation comes from donations. No taxpayer money is used.


  1. I so pray that this is true because I have heard so many different stories come about that should have taken this POTUS out of office! He should not be allowed to stay there any longer this beautiful Country can't take much more of him...He is such a liar and he is not for the American people he is out to destroy us and everything that this Great Country stands for. And there are a lot of other men and woman in Washington that need to go as well!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Jean Maida Dunn
    Just something to think about: If O-Man gets crushed. Please keep in mind that if and when this takes place,it is important that we stay focused.The real issue here,and we will need to stay on HIGH ALERT,not letting our guard down, to the biggest distraction and false flag attack we will ever witness.Just think about what the reality can be, if O-Man gets taken out of the way,as they throw him to us like a dog bone.Because I would imagine that they are getting pretty sick of his stupidity too.This will make it that much easier for the people who he has been a puppet for, and we all know who they are.It can very well be a scenario for them, to move in and take us by force,with their idea of dropping things on us from the air that we breath.With that said,many will be looking for a place of refuge,and the FEMA Camps will have an open door policy for anyone who thinks they will be kind enough to save them and keep them alive.You can bet that their offer of a safe haven will be first and foremost.We will definitely be distracted by this and they will be counting on it.This last false flag attack has cost us an amendment,just like each one before that.So lets prepare and think about a plan of action,when they decide to throw O-Man to the wolves.If we allow ourselves to be distracted and not stay watchful,it will cost us dearly.If anyone has any input please share it.thank You

    1. Several options exist all must contain multiple contingency plans. 1)Delineate groups within and out of the USA, (those outside borders can be an effective back up communication source via our www (if available).Within (same as aforementioned)but have direct access to live facts remember that valid knolledge is essential!Use similar means NWO has ie: Design an incrimentaly set of detailed stratigies to cripple them, then apply appropriate needed methods to wear them down. Stay calm, and proceed with reason & common sence in mind at all times, emotions create nebulious results. Initialy utilise the highest courts in the land coupled with our military (if Applicable)as enforcement. Leave the big fish latent until their fate is clear any traction is better than spinning our gears to expose (Al Capone). Trust no one but the all mighty, God.

    2. Jean, we have been preparing for that now! I see what your saying but we are eyes wide open...That's why the fight for our 2nd Amendment! That's why their are no bullets, people have been preparing! Yes you're right in staying focused, that would be a major priority & it will be deceiving in knowing whom you can trust! We've learned that now! There will be rioting! Let them riot amongst themselves because we've already seen what they do when they riot...start killing each other! I would be talking about the "o" followers! Follow your military sites such as SOFA,SPECIAL OPERATIONS OF AMERICA, they all preping for this! They are with US!Don't be afraid but yes, as you said...Stay focused!Vicotor, just saw your comment & YES, Trust no one but the all might GOD & like minded people! Start reaching out to like minded groups!

    3. I do believe that is one scenario if Obama is prosectuted (false flag and martial law), but he won't be the only one implicated immediately which will cause a knee jerk response from those implicated to blow the cover of others. Their common complicity has kept them all in tow thus far, especially the long termer GOP...not so much the recently elected tea party conservatives who are hated equally by GOP and DEMS alike. My point is that practically all officials will be suspect and these VIPs know that. I have some inside information that this course of action has been in force practically since Obama was first elected, but that there was opposition to it coming out from McConnell and Boehner and a myriad of other GOP (not to mention the dems), but as the policies from this administration have become more blatantly dismantling of America, the VIPs have garnered more artillery and others have signed on who want to be on the right side of history when this plays out. The new guys on board who aren't loved by either GOPs or Dems are going to really be interesting to watch. And this group of VIPs includes military personnel who are fully cognizant of the tactics which a corrupt leadership would attempt. Also the recent DHS brown coat assemblage is one of the alarms which have garnered this action.

  3. I am soooo frustrated with this Obama fraud case. All of these false promises. The re-election. I really don't believe anything will happen to get rid of Obama. I will believe it when I see it, and Obama is in jail.

  4. As the newly assigned sheriff was approaching the town of Rock Creek in the movie ‘Blazin’ Saddles’, the lookout kept saying: “he’s a ne**er, he’s a ne**er.” This is the extent of the progress and expectations of the Inspector Clue-So Zullo and the fraudulent document fiasco.

    1. Doesn't it stink up there where you keep your head?

    2. In the beginning I was thinking the same thing. Ha Ha. Now shits getting serious. How to reverse the slide?

    3. Thank you, Let me think!! & The Mechanic! Guy will have some real issues here soon if The Real Heroes can't get this done! And it won't be because of playground fiascos! Where have you been dusel1? Naw don't want to know!

    4. That race card here isn't going to fly with this kind of treason. It might however be the noise we will hear when it finally comes out as irrefutable...the banshee cry of those who have run out of any feasible defense, which is generally the reason the race card is pulled out. It won't matter.

  5. "I really don't believe anything will happen to get rid of Obama." I'm with you, Ron.
    So perhaps we should start being proactive and find a non-Democrat candidate who will vow to – within his first 100 days in office – issue an EO releasing all the documents PutzOTUS had suppressed. Maybe then we'll see the dictator-for-life wannabe in an orange jumpsuit.

  6. It would be wonderful to see this man removed from office and moved through the justice system.

    Problem in, we still have to deal with the Presidential order of succession. Honestly, look at this list and how many on it can you truly say you'd trust to step into the shoes of the POTUS, even only until a regular or special election could be held -

    # Office Current officer
    1 Vice President of the United States Joe Biden (D)
    2 Speaker of the House John Boehner (R)
    3 President pro tempore of the Senate Patrick Leahy (D)
    4 Secretary of State John Kerry (D)
    5 Secretary of the Treasury Jacob Lew (D)
    6 Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel (R)
    7 Attorney General Eric Holder (D)
    -- Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell (D)[3]
    8 Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack (D)
    -- Acting Secretary of Commerce Rebecca Blank (D)[4]
    -- Acting Secretary of Labor Seth Harris (D)[4]
    9 Secretary of Health & Human Services Kathleen Sebelius (D)
    10 Secretary of Housing & Urban Development Shaun Donovan (D)
    11 Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood (R)
    12 Secretary of Energy Steven Chu (D)
    13 Secretary of Education Arne Duncan (D)
    14 Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki (I)
    15 Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano (D

    1. All appointments by Obama would be null and void as he was not a legal president. Joe Biden would also be gone as he ran as a running mate and not voted for.

    2. I think that your line of thinking will be echoed among many. The fact is that the GOP have been complicit in much of this corruption we have witnessed especially this last fifteen years, and you can be sure that if the whistle is blown on one side, the opposition is going to retaliate. The only officials who could qualify as uncompromised and therefore able to stand in for our leadership would be those most recently elected to office. All the long termers would be suspect.
      And not just appointments would be "null and void" but any actions taken by this administration would be considered fraudulent.

    3. @Dave Marsters and Suze, that is simply not true. Look up “De Facto Officer,” a well-established legal principle. Basically, all official acts done by any holder of any elected or appointed office of authority or trust in the USA are still considered valid even if and after the holder of that office is subsequently shown to never have been legitimately eligible to hold that office.

      To do otherwise would be utter chaos. Think about it. Suppose evidence came out that our fourth President, Thomas Jefferson, did not qualify as a true Natural Born Citizen, or was otherwise ineligible to be President. Jefferson, of course, signed the Louisiana Purchase, which purchased a vast amount of territory from France (basically everything drained by the Mississippi River and its tributaries west of the Mississippi, roughly doubling the size of the USA’s territory at the time), including not just what is now the State of Louisiana, but also all or nearly all of Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, and Oklahoma, and parts of Wisconsin, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New mexico, and Texas.

      According to what you just said, if it turned out that Jefferson was never legitimately President, we’d have to sell all that back to France for the amount they paid for it (less than 3¢ per acre). Everything that happened because of the Louisiana Purchase, including everything done by any President born therein, would also have to be retroactively canceled. Any States that were not in that territory but which were settled because of it would also have to be given back to their original owners, and so on, and so on, and so on.

      Sorry, but even if Obama gets removed (not going to happen) and even if he is officially ruled to have never been legitimately eligible to be President (also not going to happen), everything that he has already done in his capacity as President remains fully in effect. All laws signed, all appointments, all executive orders — everything.

    4. e Facto Officer refers to an officer holding a colorable right or title to the office accompanied by possession. The lawful acts of an officer de facto, so far as the rights of third persons are concerned, when done within the scope and by the apparent authority of office, are valid and binding.

      Lawful acts, not criminal acts. And that assumes that his name is legally Barack Obama and not still Soetoro.

  7. So VIP's stands for "Various Imaginary People" correct?

  8. Seems the Boston Marathon event is falling apart as did Sandy Hook. All these fronts are converging on Obama.

    1. I agree with you Bruce. Did you see that Obama ordered the flag to be flown at half staff for the tragedy in Texas, but NOTHING for Boston? What more proof do we need that Obama is a treasonous traitor than by his actions alone?

    2. I totally agree, AbleHandyman!

  9. I don't think many people are aware of an Executive Order that Obama signed into law (thanks to the over-protective Obama media) that literally takes away the rights of the states to oversee the elections and gives it to the federal government (AKA Obama). This law was enacted on March 28th while congress was on Easter vacation. Obama will now be allowed to choose 9 members to further help him rig the elections. You might think "What does it matter since he is on his last term", but Obama wants the House back next year so bad he can taste it. He wants full reign for 2 years so he can concoct as much chaos as possible. But I can only imagine his first order of business will be to change that nasty little law that keeps him from running for a 3rd term. All it will take is another Executive Order. Please look this up. Everyone needs to read it. Type in "President Obama's Executive Orders" and it will take you to the Whitehouse.gov page and right to his orders. Look for the one dated March 28th. I have never heard one reporter on the news report this. I have seen 2 people report it on Facebook. That is all the attention it has received. Amazing.

  10. I pray continually for SOMEthing, ANYthing, to end what obama has done & has planned. If you are that 'thing', more power to you & Godspeed.

  11. You think merely getting rid of Obama is going to change the locked in place fascist police state the US has become? Barky was never more than a puppet and if you can make it past the media blackout it will only be because the same people want you to. Hacking at the branches but the roots are intact as always.

    1. If Obama goes down, his enablers/handlers will go down too...as he obviously didn't pull this off by himself. So you see, the main target is actually not Obama but the corrupt "machine" that put him there. And that machine is the evil engine that powers our fascist police state.

  12. Feel sorry for all you who think Obama is the problem and all that needs to be done is get him out of office, or that the Dems are the problem and the Repubs are gonna make everything alright.

    Wake up folks.

    1. I don't think that is what is being discussed here (the satanic dems verse angelic reps) but rather the infestation which has become our government. What is starting to become apparent to Americans is that it isn't this staged kabuki opera between parties which we have fallen for and which has effectively polarized us as a nation, but rather it is the fascists verses the citizens, communists verses patriots. They have been distracting us long enough with this hoping we will overlook our power to fire them all, meanwhile both parties have betrayed us over and over, blaming the other party as the obstacle. yet, congress is at an all time disapproval rating of 79%. Democrats right now are bailing out of the senate because they know something is up. This action against Obama has been pushing its way into the fore practically since his election, but the obstacles have been as much from the GOP as the dems. Once it comes out as irrefuteable, just watch how many whistles start blowing on both sides. only the most recently elected senators wouldn't be suspect. I hope so.

  13. 1 - I'm so sick of being asked to be patient. They had this evidence 4 years ago. He should have been impeached long ago. If it were you or me, we'd have been prosecuted and jailed long ago.

    2 - Along with Obama, should be Clinton, Reid, Feinstein, Napolitano, Holder, and a bunch of others. Treason should be the charge. Anyone who twiddled their thumbs and anyone who voted to do away with the 2nd amendment, and etc should be jailed, tried and shot against the wall.

    3 - We need to clean up our country. Illegal aliens should be deported. All Muslims should be deported except for the dangerous ones. Those should be shot. Laws should be restored as they were pre-Obama. Obamacare should be abolished, taxes lowered, and etc.

  14. I don't think many of you understand.

    If President Obamessiah gets prosecuted, the United States WILL be locked down under Martial Law immediately.

    Many people wonder who President Obamessiah really is.
    Wonder no more, Obama IS fulfilling this prophesy.

    Luke 21 v.24: "And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled."

    1. I am a believer in the Word and that the prophecy in Luke will be fullfilled, however I don't agree that Obama being prosecuted will automatically catalyst that martial law, because once a president is seriously being investigated for treason, his powers are already compromised. Any political officials like Biden who may have also been complicit in the cover up also couldn't assume presidential powers. There could be some serious civil unrest however; is that what you meant by martial law?

  15. As damning as the evidence is I'm not holding my breath that these "VIP's" will move the case forward. The "VIP's" in the end will likely get all wobbly and decide being ridiculed and called names is too much to bear and go along with the crime just to get along. If it really happens and there is a serious public investigation and people go to jail, well let's just say it would be surprising.

  16. I couldn't have said it better! We better forget impeachment, and just send him, one-way, to either Kenya or Indonesia, and rest on a caveat, like "If you are EVER found within the borders of the United States Of America, once deported, you will be put in Gitmo (Cuba) for the rest of your natural life!

  17. IT DOES NEED TO HAPPEN SOON!!! But let him run off & become another that goes underground as another criminal, as long as he's not in AMERICA!!
    We know that even underground he will create HAVOC but at least he will be hunted as opposed to doing all these in front of our eyes!He's been slapping the American people ever since he took office & all the adminstration either COWERING OR LOOKING OUT FOR THEIR CAREERS!!AT some point you just have to believe! This has been one heck of a fight & how truly exhausting has it been. You want to give up BUT then....MY GOD this happens! Not only this but others now jumping to the fight! Stockholm(Texas), Judge (Texas), Judge Moore, Our officers! People are now starting to stand up!!Like you Cobra Ray, Prayers day & night!!How many people cried the next morning after the elections? More than we can know!! The light at the end of the tunnel was gone, God gave me message to "Think BIG" "Believe In God"!!Doesn't mean that I still don't get angry & fight because I am angry & I do fight but I don't give up! Nor should you or any other of the commenters! I agree it does need to be "Treason" along with all his pack! PRAY!

  18. The closer they get to the truth, the likely hood of Obama's disappearance. What I mean is no Obama, nothing to prove. Case closed. The cover up will stay as is and so will everything else he has done. The only thing, if we get a President that makes Obama's EO's null and void. Just like LBJ did when JFK signed EO 11110 to take back our currency and print our own money. If you remember, he signed that six months before Dallas. And what happened to JFK?? You know.

  19. Man, all this anti-muslim stuff got to go. Ya Obama has to go to, but your losing focus on religion. Its what they what you to do. All this does is gives excuse to kill each other. Restore you constitution, it needs you now more than ever.

  20. As Manning says, "Presidents are above the Law." The farce will go on until the present administration, not just the big O, but all of them are arrested for treason. That's why no one can get him out. Arpaio's disclosure is like holding a candle to the sun. Nothing will come of it. We all don't have legitimate birth certificates. Try to get one, the original one. The hospitals sold them all out. They are all collateral for the National Debt, an imaginary debt, to keep the sheeple asleep and waiting for the little blue boy to blow his horn.

  21. The sooner the better!Everything he has signed into law should be declared null & void.We need to start over and correct ALL of his evil doings.He should be tried for treason along with all of his cohorts & dragged before a firing squad.That will be the day I celebrate our 2nd Independence day!

  22. Obama is not the President Of The United States; stop calling him PRESIDENT! You know full well that he is a 'plant' in our government to help the one percent succeed! It has come to this: As Americans, We, The People need to ferret-out evil in our land, by eliminating them NOW. What? Are Americans going to just ontinue 'talking about the conditions under which we barely exist'? It IS time to ACT. Throw the anti-Americans out and rebuild our REPUBLIC.

  23. The big problem with most of the "very important people of standing" is that this administration either pays or threatens their families enough to make them sit down and shut up.

  24. Indeed he is just that. He was totally orchestrated to do just what we are witnessing, and have since his taking the oath. The longer he remains in office is the all too evidence that he has way too many cronies making sure nothing is ever done as far as an impeachment. Our justice system is anything but. My fear is the next element in his stance and that is the dismissal of term limits. Nothing would suprise me at this point. My nickname for him? King Ludwig aka Mr Untouchable. We are screwed. I can deal with the new world we live in but what breaks my heart is the bleak future for my son. God help us all...

  25. What I see as a fallout from this fraud, isn't only that Obama will be impeached, but that all of the actions he has officially taken as our president will then need to be revisited. Essentially, his whole presidency has been fraudulent. And there are other fraudulent activity just now coming to light concerning Hillary and Obama's selection to run in the 2008 primaries. If the Saudi connection also is exposed, not just the democratic party could be in jeapardy, but also all GOP who participated in this corruption. Could be time to clean house on the hill. I HOPE.

  26. Obomber's acknowledgement of his FAKE B'C distributed via the WH web site is an "admission against interest" that he can NOT be a Natural Born Citizen. Admissible in any/every court in the land.
    Any REAL court interested in the Constitution and its principles would have to rule that Obomber can NOT be president & all actions by this fraud are null and void.
    Now, where are the patriots?
