Zev Porat

Friday, June 14, 2013

NSA scandal 'biggest story of your life?

"The NSA surveillance scandal is the biggest story of your lifetime" – that was Michael Savage's message all this week, as details emerged about the extent to which the government has been spying on millions of Americans.

However, "They obviously weren't spying on Muslims, or people known to have associated with terrorists," Savage pointed out, otherwise the authorities would have prevented the Boston Marathon bombing (FREE audio).

Calling whistleblower Edward Snowden "a patriot, not a traitor," Dr. Savage declared that "the NSA scandal makes Watergate look like what it was: a green pea inside a tidal wave" 

PPSIMMONS NOTE: You can read the rest of the article at the link below. There are quotes from each of the the top radio hosts below. HOWEVER - note that all these hosts have called those of us concerned about Obama's eligibility  a whole host of names - with the possible exception of Rush - who every now and then will 'elude' to Obama's 'possible' ineligibility.   Carl Gallups, Mike Zullo, Mike Shoesmith and all the people at PPSIMMONS have maintained for YEARS - that the BIGGEST scandal of your LIFETIME (perhaps in HISTORY) has been the fact that all these other scandals have been carried out by a possible FOREIGNER in the White House!  The media doesn't care, Congress doesn't care, the FBI doesn't care, the Fed. Courts don't care - and most of America doesn't seem to care. Now THAT is the scandal of your lifetime!

Rush Limbaugh

Mark Levin

Laura Ingraham

Glenn Beck

READ REST OF STORY HERE: http://www.wnd.com/2013/06/nsa-scandal-biggest-story-of-your-life/?cat_orig=us

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