By Rev. Joda Collins
Attention Joe Biden. Be very careful about threatening Americans with such words like your "patience is wearing thin with us." You have not been successful at disarming us yet. Contrary to your wishes, we still have our Bibles, our guns and our Constitution along with our commitment to defend our rights and freedoms.
Threatening us only strengthens our resolve to become better-prepared to defend ourselves and both deepen and solidify our justified distrust in our current federal government. We let you keep your stolen office, but there are limits. Do not mistake patience for weakness. If Democrats are not included, we are still the home of the brave. Many of the past generation fought and some died to deliver to us our rights and freedoms. Many of us are willing to do the same for our children to deliver to them the same rights and freedoms. We are willing and duty bound to go to war against all enemies foreign and domestic, to defend our 2nd Amendments rights, Constitution, Country, keep our Bibles and deliver to the next generation the blood-bought rights and freedoms we inherited.
You are not the only one with patience wearing thin.
If you are wondering why so many of us are afraid of the shot, we know the shot effects directly a person's RNA and, at least indirectly, a person's DNA; of which it is settled science that the long-term effects are yet unknown for the person taking the shot and those who are later birth by those persons. Secondly, the federal government from the top down is filled with chronic liars, sociopath's and psychopaths none of which we can trust.
Third, the people promoting with the most vigor the shot are those who believe the world is overpopulated therefore some of us need to die and as many babies as possible need to be killed.
Fourth, those you are inviting to cross our borders and planting in various cities and states are exempt from any mandate to take the shot and you nor anyone in your administration will tell us why. We can assume you are hoping to keep Covid alive and well among to continue the fear so you can continue to demand the shot with increasing compliance to your demand. What other reason could you have? Your motives are questionable at best and deadly at worst. You nor your administration should be trusted with anything, especially telling us to take your shot.
Fifth, you leave Americans to die in Afghanistan while you smile, giggle and take vacation and then tell us you care about saving American's lives. Liar.
Sixth, there is overwhelming evidence that you are a traitor to the USA.
Seventh, it is settled science that those who have survived Covid19 are 40 times more likely not to get any form of the Wuhan Virus again compared to those who have taken your shot; however, you still squeal for everyone, including those who have a natural immunity to Covid to take your shot. Why?
Eight, we are told that Covid has all but eradicated the common cold and pneumonia when in fact everyone with a cold or pneumonia is now diagnosed with Covid; what liars the CDC and all of you are. You lie about everything that does not fit your political agenda and that is a fact. I could go on and on and on, but you get the idea.
Remember when the CDC told us that the Wuhan Virus stayed on surfaces for weeks and anyone touching that surface would likely get the Wuhan Virus. We are not stupid. We know who you are, what you are and what you stand for. Nothing you have ever done has been good for America in the long run. On the contrary, you have a legacy of destruction. Those of us who can reason see no reason to trust you or your bogus administration.

Rev. Joda Collins
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with me.
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