by Rev. Joda Collins
In the beginning God created Adam. They had fellowship. Through that fellowship God and Adam developed a friendship. Then God created Eve. Eve enjoyed fellowship with God and Adam. Through fellowship Eve developed a friendship with God and Adam. Then God said everything was good. That was the plan for Adam and Eve. They were designed to spend their time in fellowship with God developing their friendship with God. Adam and Eve were designed to spend their time in fellowship with one another and develop their friendship with one another.
As Adam and Eve learned the art of fellowship and friendship with God and each other, they were to pass that learning on to their children and their offspring. The space in the Garden of Eden would be expanded by God to accommodate their offspring. Eventually, the entire Earth would be and extension of the Garden of Eden. That is the original plan for human beings.
The necessity to work to earn a living was not part of God's plan for humanity. However, when Adam and Eve sinned, things changed. God removed them from the Garden and Adam was cursed with the mandate to work in order to eat and stay alive. God's provision of a life of fellowship with Him, family and friends was changed to a life of fellowship with Him, family and friends AND WORKING FOR A LIVING. To accommodate the curse, God put it into the personality of a man to work. Men want to work. However, God's Word (the Bible) mandates we find time to fellowship with God even though devotion to work is a necessity for most men. If we are going to have a good marriage it is mandatory that we set aside time to fellowship and develop our friendship with our wife. Children require an investment of our time.
Too often men find themselves so busy with work they neglect their relationship (friendship and fellowship) with God and thus miss the primary reason they were created (born). Too often men find themselves so busy with work they neglect spending time with their children and their children grow up lacking fellowship and friendship with their father. It is often the case that men, because of work, do not find the time to fellowship with friends, thus end their lives with a personal phone book of acquaintances that barely mark their lives. God intended those acquaintances would friends that brought overwhelming blessing to their lives.
If your job has consumed your life, you are missing out on the primary reason God gave you life. That primary reason is to fellowship with Him, your wife, your children and acquaintances. Just like it takes devotion to find the time and energy to fellowship with God and build your friendship with Him, it takes devotion to the task to find the time and energy to fellowship and develop a friendship with your wife, children (family) and acquaintances. Do not let excessive devotion to your job rob you of the blessings of the primary reason you exist. Your job is a necessary curse. However, having a vibrant personal relationship with God, family and friends is the primary reason God gave you life and let's you live.
Women were created for fellowship and friendship with God, husband, family and friends but God did not curse them with working for a living nor adjust their personality for it.

Rev. Joda Collins
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with me.
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