Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fact: Iran IS Out to Destroy Israel... the rumors are TRUE!

Well it really is amazing the level to which certain people will insert their heads into the sand. Like ostriches they carry around a view of the world which looks like everyone wants the same thing and if the war mongers would simply put their weapons away everything would be just dandy.

And the Paul-bots are the worst offenders; lashing out at the notion that Iran could possibly desire to do harm to Israel or the US. Lashing out at the notion that America somehow has a role to play in the world as a bulwark against tyranny and oppression from powers that would slit all of our throats given the slightest opportunity.

Yet that is the very reality we face every day. Protected we are from the harsh realities that exist outside our western walls. Protected by a mighty military force too powerful to be breached by Islamic fundies hell-bent on killing for Allah. And those who choose to ignore this existential threat do so resulting in the peril of us all. And when the evidence is presented they lash out saying "no, it cannot be. The military industrial complex is protecting big corporations and it's all made up hype".

It is a false accusation; a red herring designed to take one's attention away from the man having his head severed from his body in the name of Allah. It is ignoring the women having their clitoris removed or the daughters slaughtered in the name of honor. It is ignoring the stoning of the amorous caught in embrace. It is burying one's talent and an affront to almighty God.

America does have an assignment from heaven. It is her duty to be the wall against worldwide religious disease and hateful dogma. It is her God-given strength which causes pirates to tremble and fascist regimes to crumble. It is her influence which has caused prosperity to flourish and opened doors for the Gospel to go out into the whole world. It is her inventiveness and rugged individualism which has caused knowledge to increase and the ability to travel, both physically and virtually, which has done this. Without America there would be a new Hitler at our door steps with the passing of each generation.

And now we are faced with a new terror. Iran, or ancient Persia, is at a place of achievement. Iran is on the verge of having the most destructive weapon ever conceived. One bomb dropped on Japan killed 80,000 people instantly. That is one third of the population of that city - dead - in an instant. America did it to end a war. Iran wishes to start one.

The wife of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, an Iranian nuclear scientist who was assassinated in Tehran in January, said Tuesday that her husband "sought the annihilation of the Zionist regime wholeheartedly," according to Iran's semi-official Fars news agency.

"Mostafa's ultimate goal was the annihilation of Israel," the agency quoted Fatemeh Bolouri Kashani as saying Tuesday.

And now a website with close ties to Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has outlined why it would be acceptable to kill all Jews and annihilate Israel.

Conservative site Alef has published a doctrine detailing why the destruction of the nation and the slaughter of all its people would be legally and morally justified.

The doctrine, first reported by, warned that the chance to remove the 'corrupting material' of Israel must not be lost - and that it would only take nine minutes to wipe it out.
And it said it was a 'jurisprudential justification' for Iran's Islamic government to then take the helm.

The article, written by Khamenei's strategy specialist Alireza Forghani, is now being run on most state-owned conservative sites, indicating it has the regime's support.

So the rumors really are true. Iran really is trying to gain the advantage so that it can wipe Israel off the map. It is receiving assistance from Russia, China, and North Korea. Let us reject the obtuse thought patterns which would reject the reality on the ground. Let us also reject any candidate which would applaud the objectives outlined by the Iranians themselves. Let us continue to fulfill our assignment from the Lord. Because, as Ronald Reagan once said, if America fails, the world has nowhere else to turn.


  1. The Term "Paul-bots" is a Propaganda term !
    I've really Liked much of what PP Simmons puts out, I dont think every single Iranian wants to slit every Jews throat as soon as they get an opportunity, I seen old Iranian footage where Iranians even Liked America & wanted to be Like US & even move here, Emulating our style & music, Ron Paul's information On Iran & the company that became BO Oil drilling in Iran's territory v=back in "72" I believe it was, is accurate, & BP oil lobbying to get our US president to over throw there country,m so maybe some are pissed off & then see us going from country to country installing our "Democracy" which I dont even like BTW Since were suppose to be a republic,
    But the point is, Ron Paul wants to give peace a chance & if we fire 1st shoots world opinion will be against US, If we end up in a war w/ Ron Paul at the helm, we will Know we gave peace a chance & are the good guys....
    I'm surprised you'd endorse any other candidate
    Ron Paul's the most christian & if you dont think so, watch this Video on Youtube & still try to say that, & BTW< NO I am nt a Bot, I am one of the most patriotic real born again christian, nice guys you'll ever meet !!!
    Search this title on youtube search box please;
    " Ron Paul Speech-Bible,War & Federal Reserve Bank "
    PS, I am Pro Israel,
    But; " for god so loved the WORLD "

    Sure if Iran just attacks Israel w/o a legitamite cause, I would be for a counter Attack,
    But watch the History of Iran Ron Paul explains too....
    W/ all due respect watch this information video two, it talks about the history of resentment of Iran towrds us.... (put in utube search box)
    " You Like Ron Paul, Except on Foreign Policy "

  2. Santorum, Gingrich and Romney are preaching war and murder. Any "Christian" supporting war is strongly mistaken.
    About Israel, God can defend himself, he won't share his glory with any human military power. That's why the power of Israel must be destroyed before Jesus returns (Daniel 12).

  3. Of course destroying Israel part of Iran's objective.

    However, don't be misled by the moves of the bishop. Ultimately this plot for the destruction of Israel and America was hatched in the Kremlin....and many years ago at that.
