Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Liberty Versus Liberalism - Freedom Versus Atrocity

It really is time to stop playing games with this slimy, disease infested, gut-rot called liberalism. We at the PPSIMMONS enterprise have learned to not take things personally. If we did, the comments and personal emails sent to us by liberals and atheists would drive us insane. Yet this topic is very personal to us. Liberalism is a direct threat to our future and the future of our families and our friends. It is a direct threat to the future of liberty; a foundation on which the greatest of societies is built.

We are ashamed that so many of the people in the western world have lost the ability to discern the difference between liberty and liberalism; the difference between "anything goes" and freedom from bondage. The difference is stark and deal breaking. It will decide the future of modern civilization as we know it.

Liberalism. The word implies freedom, yes, but it is anything but. The dictionary defines it as an "unrestricted lifestyle. Specifically it says "unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor". Unrestricted. Now there's a loaded word. Yet essentially liberalism must be unrestricted. As soon as one implements any amount of restriction the person is invoking conservative values to the situation. Keep in mind that none of this is political alone. The dictionary says:
"a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor"
Therefore there is no limit to the application. Of course one can be liberal in any area of choosing and conservative or blase' in any other area but make no mistake, liberalism is a universally damnable application. It is a life lived without limits, without filters, and without any moral fiber. Remember that as soon as restriction of any kind is in place it is no longer liberalism since by restricting the behavior one is implementing conservative principles. Let's look at a couple of recent examples of the atrocity of liberalism.

In that interview with Oprah Winfrey, Whitney Houston mourns the death of Michael Jackson, in 2009. Houston, whose own substance abuse issues have long been documented, revealed to Winfrey that she had been doing drugs at the time of taping Michael Jackson's 30th Anniversary Celebration . She said she "was worried" for him -- and for herself. "Mike and I were very close," Houston said. "No one have I ever met [was] quite like that young man," she later added. "And to have it in like that saddens me."

"Was he a mirror for you," Winfrey asked Houston. "In some ways, yes," the diva replied. "I didn't want to go down that road.". Yet she did go down that road. The road of jettisoning the filters of conservatism and embracing the tenet of liberalism which always demands more from people than that they can afford to pay. It is a slow, agonizing suicide and the current climate of enablers is fanning the flames claiming one life after another.

In Houston's case it was partying and drugs which caused her to [likely] overdose yet society as a whole is committing suicide by liberalism en mass. A news story this week reveals the heinous results of liberalism which will devastate generations to come. Many news sources are reporting a disturbing public announcement from the Centers for Disease Control and other medical groups raising concerns about the spread of drug-resistant gonorrhea in in the world. Gonorrhea is primarily a sexually transmitted disease affects more than 700,000 Americans each year, according to estimates, and historically it has developed resistance to treatments. It built up immunity to sulfanilamide in the 1940s before evolving to resist penicillins and tetracyclines in the 1980s and fluoroquinolones by 2007.

For the past five years, the treatment options recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been limited to third-generation cephalosporins.

But a study published Thursday in the New England Journal of Medicine warns that those drugs are becoming rapidly less effective in combating gonorrhea.

From 2006 to the first six months of 2011, the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) -- a measure of how much of an antibiotic is needed to stifle bacteria growth -- for an oral cephalosporin made a drastic jump from 0.1 percent in 2006 to 1.7 percent, the study said.

A lower MIC is an indication of a better antibiotic and CDC recommendations were changed in the past when that number exceeded five percent for previous gonorrhea antidotes. But the study said that as of now there are no alternative treatments to fight gonorrhea on the horizon.

Liberalism, when applied to sexuality, has given us this plague. Along with this there is CDC information available showing that AIDS is also primarily spread through men having sex with men, or liberalism cleverly disguised as love.

Liberty, on the other hand, is true freedom. It embraces the restrictions and filters which enable us to remain free from addiction, gonorrhea, and AIDS. The celibacy until marriage and faithfulness during marriage message is liberty, it is freedom, and it promises many things; one of which that it dramatically reduces the risk of all groups of sexually transmitted disease. This is the message to be taken seriously folks. One man, one woman, dress respectfully, be of sound mind, all that old-fashioned stuff that keeps people alive util a ripe old age.

One thing is for certain, this whole liberalism thing ain`t workin`. And it`s time to get ugly about this. It`s time to take the gloves off and realize this is not a game. This is not a topic of discussion anymore. Liberalism is a flat-out acceptance that the Bible is a lie and the Devil knows better than God. It`s not like we were without warning. We`ve known all along what sin is and what the consequences are. Yet the full-on embrace of unrestricted sinfulness we now call liberalism has been allowed to run rampant through the streets of America, Canada, and Europe. Now it`s time to pay the piper. And his fee will cost you your life.

Get Mike Shoesmith`s book `Fast Track to Freedom` NOW to learn the truth about addiction and how to break free. Do it today.

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