Saturday, March 24, 2012

America in Bible Prophecy - It`s True!

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The `White Horse` prophecy of Mormonism written by its founder Joseph Smith details a time in America when the constitution will be `hanging by a thread`and a Mormon will step up and save the country. This has come to light in the present day elections with a Mormon, Mitt Romney, leading the fray in the GOP primaries.

But we don`t need to go to extra-biblical texts to find prophecy about the United States. In fact, as you will learn from this video tutorial, the beasts of Daniel and Revelation are all in existence today in stunning detail. America`s founding is clearly marked out in the pages of the Bible. Put your thinking caps on and watch this amazing information.

1 comment:

  1. Correction. The END TIMES are now.. NOT the END TIME yet ;-) 7 year peace treaty, 3rd temple operation, etc.
