Friday, March 23, 2012

Foul-mouthed Atheist Bill Maher Calls for "National Day" to Honor his Depravity

(Photo by

Caught in a swamp of hypocrisy Bill Maher has posted an op-ed in the New York Times calling for a truce; a national day of "no outrage" to deflect attention away from his remarks concerning conservative women in the past; remarks which far exceed those of Rush Limbaugh in terms of decorum.

Limbaugh, who called a woman a "slut" for wanting the government to "pay her to have sex" by providing her with tax-funded contraceptives, apologized for the remarks shortly after citing a brief borrowing from liberal mentalities when he made the remark.

Bill Maher, on the other hand, is on record calling Sarah Palin a "c**t" saying there's just no other word to describe her and has yet to apologize at all. Instead Maher is calling for a national day to honor his type of degenerate opining.

“Let’s have an amnesty — from the left and the right — on every made-up, fake, totally insincere, playacted hurt, insult, slight and affront,” Maher wrote. “Let’s make this Sunday the National Day of No Outrage. One day a year when you will not find some tiny thing someone did or said and pretend you can barely continue functioning until they apologize.”
“When did we get it in our heads that we have the right to never hear anything we don’t like?” he wrote, adding that “If you see or hear something you don’t like in the media, just go on with your life. Turn the page or flip the dial or pick up your roll of quarters and leave the booth.”
Umm... no. Maher is simply deflecting attention from his foul, atheistic form of debating in the arena of ideas; a typical method of linguistic manipulation in lieu of any real substantive position on which to base a worldview.

Atheism is a mental disorder, plain and simple. And Maher is no different than any other, past or present. He panders to the depravity which continues to plague humanity; a religious adherence to something. Anything!
In Mike Shoesmith's book, "The Atheists are Wrong" he explains in graphic detail why Bill Maher cannot be trusted in the arena of ideas... much like any person suffering from a mental disorder cannot. Get you copy today!

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