Saturday, March 24, 2012

Obama Campaign - "You Can't Take Care of Yourself"

Ronald Reagan is known for some epic one-liners. My personal favorite is "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help'".

And the Obama campaign has revealed that they, like, totally disagree with the man who saved America from Jimmy Carter's policies. Jim Messina, Obama's campaign manager, sent out another bulk email with the headline "You're on your own".

It's a scare approach; the latest campaign strategy from the Messina team. Basically, well, here's the text from the email:

Friend --
By this time next year, health reform could be gone.
That's what I woke up thinking about today.
As we celebrated Obamacare's second birthday this week, all you heard from the other side were which methods of creative destruction they want to use to take it down on Day One in office.
If you like Obamacare and don't want it to fall into the wrong hands, donate $3 or more to the Two-Term Fund today.
The Republican message on health care in five words or less:

You're on your own.

Got a kid with a pre-existing condition? Tough. Need insurance after graduating from college? Too bad. Enjoying the free preventive care under the law? Well...
Now, honestly, doesn't that just scare the tar out of you? It's supposed to! These types of email messages are designed to create a fear-based dependency on government. The sad thing is so many people will fall prey to this scam. And make no mistake - this is one of the biggest scams ever... ever! By the way - there are worse things than being "on your own".

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