Friday, March 9, 2012

Scientists Show Evidence That Perhaps God DID Sink the Titanic

Well - not God perhaps but nature at least in response to a crass gesture made by a single individual - an employee of White Star Line.

Most of us have seen the movie "Titanic". We watched as a wealthy individual stood on the dock awaiting to board the ship, looked up at her and said "Not even God himself could sink this ship."

Well, it was the right line uttered by the wrong person. According to the official US archives website it was an employee of the ship's owner who uttered those fateful words.

"Not even God himself could sink this ship."
-- Employee of the White Star Line, at the
launch of the Titanic, May 31, 1911
For 100 years it has shouldered the blame for the sinking of the Titanic but now the much-maligned iceberg could be partially forgiven after scientists identified a new culprit – the moon.

Nick Collins, Science Correspondent for the Telegraph reports that although a collision with a vast tower of ice ultimately brought the passenger liner to its sticky end, it was a freak lunar event three months earlier that put the obstacle in its path, a new study claims.
An incredibly rare combination of astronomical factors including the closest approach of the moon to Earth in 1,400 years caused an unusually high tide in January 1912, researchers found.

This once-in-a-lifetime swell would have swept a vast field of icebergs from their normal resting place off the coast of Canada and caused them to drift further south.
It would have taken them almost exactly three months to reach the shipping lanes where the Titanic sank on April 14 at a cost of 1,500 lives, the scientists reported in Sky & Telescope magazine.

Prof Donald Olson of Texas State University, who led the study, said: “They went full speed into a region with icebergs, that’s really what sank the ship, but the lunar connection may explain how an unusually large number of icebergs got into the path of the Titanic.”

Unusually high tides known as spring tides are caused when the moon and sun line up in a way that means their gravitational pulls are enhanced.

On January 4, 1912 the Moon came closer to Earth than at any point in the previous 1,400 years, and reached its nearest point within just six minutes of a full moon.

This rare coincidence happened just a day after the Earth made its closest annual approach to the sun, and the freak combination of factors against overwhelming odds caused a record spring tide.

This would have been enough to dislodge huge numbers of icebergs from the shallow waters around Labrador and Newfoundland and sweep them into southward currents, leaving them just enough time to reach the Titanic’s path by April, the researchers said.

Prof Olson added: “We don’t claim to know exactly where the Titanic iceberg was in January 1912 – nobody can know that – but this is a plausible scenario intended to be scientifically reasonable.”

So let's examine the timeline here. May 31 1911, a man utters those now famous words implying, nay, boldly declaring that "Not even God himself could sink this ship."

On January 4, 1912 the Moon came closer to Earth than at any point in the previous 1,400 years, and reached its nearest point within just six minutes of a full moon.

Titanic weighed anchor for the last time April 11 1912 at 1.30 pm.

Titanic received a series of warnings from other ships of drifting ice in the area of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. Nonetheless the ship continued to steam at full speed, which was standard practice at the time. It was generally believed that ice posed little danger to large vessels and Captain Smith himself had declared that he could not "imagine any condition which would cause a ship to founder. Modern shipbuilding has gone beyond that."

On Sunday 14 April at 11.40 pm (ship's time), lookout Frederick Fleet spotted an iceberg immediately ahead of Titanic and alerted the bridge.[126] First Officer William Murdoch ordered the ship to be steered around the obstacle and the engines to be put in reverse, but it was too late. The rest is history. The Titanic sank into the icy depths caused by strange natural events; a ship not even God could sink?

We're not suggesting here that God killed 1500 people just because some guy utters a sentence in a moment of stupid pride. But here's what we are suggesting. Nature knows who its master is. Jesus himself declared that the rocks themselves would cry out in worship if the people were silent. The universe is alive with the majesty of almighty God and hasn't forgotten what happened 6000 years ago. The earth longs for this drawn out saga to end and finally find peace.

However we know and have observed great natural calamities unfold whenever the truth is violated on a global level. America can link devastating disasters to her relationship with Israel or other moral failings. Is the earth simply responding to a desire to please or perhaps defend the honor of its master? Did the universe conspire to sink the Titanic? Science has now shown us that this is entirely possible. Watch this video on the DISASTROUS LINKS - To the Mistreatment of Israel.


  1. God has always responded when man has become lifted up in pride. Remember the Babel tower builders? What about the researchers looking for the " God Particle " in Switzerland? The first time they fired this machine up, the camera that was to capture this particle exploded. When will man learn? I firmly believe that if these prideful words had not been emitted, the Titanic would still be with us.


  3. Nothing else sank the Titanic than this statement. God's glory was challenged by that statement. The world in general would've taken a different stance towards its maker if the Titanic didn't sink. It had to sink for God to remain "The Most High".

  4. Great post and video! I agree. God Bless

  5. One person uttered a very foolish statement, and doomed hundreds to their deaths. While God is love, He can also be angered. He is the creator of all things, and holds the complete power also to destroy all those things that He has created. Foolish statement, indeed.
