Monday, April 9, 2012

MAYHEM IN DEARBORN! - Terry Jones - April 7/2012 - VIDEO!

He said he would come and sure enough - he did. Terry Jones is the senior pastor of Dove World Outreach Center in Gainsville, Florida, the author of book Islam Is of the Devil, and a 2012 Independent presidential candidate.

When we heard he was heading north to protest in front of the largest mosque in America we thought it might be great to pack up our cameras and head on down to capture the event. So that's what we did.

When we arrived we were greeted by a strong police presence. Dozens of local and state police were on the scene along with police dogs. The local media was there already; having arrived moments before we did - around 1245 pm.

There was a group of people, from all races and genders, yelling obscenities into the air: "Racists - bigots - shut em down! Dearborn doesn't f**k around" was the chant. Making the charge that being against creeping sharia law in America is "racist" caused us to ponder what level of education the protesters had since being Islamic or Muslim has nothing to do with race because anyone can be a Muslim. That was one of my personal observations.

Dr Jones was scheduled to speak at 1300 in front of the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, Mi and yet the police had us blocked off several hundred feet from the property. Finally they began checking id's - media credentials and such. We showed them our official PPSIMMONS i.d. and were allowed in with the rest - local FOX News, etc.

In this video you will see some of the protests, you will hear Pastor Jones explain that Muslims are liars, that he doesn't hate Muslims, and that he is not a "racist" because Islam is not a race.

Following this, Pastor Jones went through his material, explaining with the help of his associate pastor why he is doing the event, how it affects the country as a whole, and why it is vital that freedom-loving Americans everywhere stand up for the constitution of the United States. Jones explained that the support of Islamic rituals (i.e. footbaths, special sport practice times for Muslims etc) in schools is actually in contravention of the "support no religion" clause in the constitution (1st amendment) which reads "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

In this video we see Jones explain why he and his associates openly carry a firearm everywhere they go. He said he has a bounty on his head worth over a million dollars and has documented more than 300 death threats including those related to being at this event.

Finally here is the entire footage we took of the event.

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