Saturday, April 28, 2012

Obama Campaign - "Romney Buying Keys to White House"

In today's bulk e-mail out of the Obama campaign headquarters Jim Messina, Barack's campaign manager, slams the Romney campaign for taking large campaign donations.

This time last month, we weren't sure when we'd have an opponent.
Now we're facing a united group of Republicans and special interests that's coalescing around Mitt Romney. And one multimillion-dollar donor at a time, they're planning to buy the keys to the White House:
       -- $500 million from their highest-dollar donors       -- $200 million (at least) from special-interest groups, one of which has already raised more than $80 million from fewer than 100 people       -- All in all, they're ready to spend $1 billion -- whatever it takes to defeat President Obama
We're facing our first fundraising deadline of the general election on Monday -- our first chance to show the Republican machine that more than 1.8 million grassroots donors aren't going to let our opponents buy this election.
Well - in fact it's quite a compliment that Messina should feel the need to point out that:

A. Romney has enough support to be able to raise a billion dollars.
B. Romney is willing to do whatever it takes to defeat President Obama.

Whether or not you are in lock step with Romney`s world view, he has a different base to answer to than Obama has. Romney will be held accountable by the conservatives who, if he wins, will ultimately be responsible for his win. So yes - this really is about beating Obama and getting him out of the White House - whatever it takes. Thanks to the Obama campaign for pointing that out.

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