Thursday, April 5, 2012

Rick Warren Silent on CFR Membership

We thought we had a good thing going with the office of Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback church. Guess we were wrong.

After learning of his cozy relations with the Muslim community, speaking at their conferences, calling them "brothers" etc [see here] we sent en email to Warren's office asking if he was a member of the Freemasons. This was an obvious concern of ours since it is a tenet of the Masons to embrace Islam while tolerating other beliefs.

We received a response within a few days boldly declaring that Pastor Warren was/is not a Freemason [see here]. GREAT - we thought. Perhaps they will come clean on the affiliations we actually KNOW to be true about Pastor Rick. So we responded with a follow-up question.

We asked his office about his membership in the Council on Foreign Relations and his assertion that Muslims are our "brothers" [see here]. That was several weeks ago. Response? - silence. No response. It's a deafening silence really. Had they never responded to the initial question we might suppose they have a policy of not responding to these lines of questioning. However it now seems a little strange that they so emphatically denied his membership in the Freemasons and then clam up when questioned about his known membership in the globalist think tank CFR and his documented assertion that Muslims and Christians are "brothers".

If Rick Warren wants to clear the air on this we'd be glad to facilitate that discussion. As it stands he seems to be hiding from us. Still waiting.

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