Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mark of the Beast Watch! Obama Slips RFID Requirement into HR 3200

The proposed America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 (or HR 3200) was an unsuccessful bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on July 14, 2009. The bill was introduced during the first session of the 111th Congress as part of an effort of the Democratic Party leadership to enact health care reform. The bill was not approved by the House, but was superseded by a similar bill, the proposed Affordable Health Care for America Act (HR 3962), which was passed by the House in November 2009, by a margin of 220-215 votes

Obama slipped into his Obamacare law (HR 3200) that Americans be chipped with an RFID device for medical purposes.

Though the original bill did not pass the House it should be a waning to us all on the intent behind the Obama presidency. Is he trying to implement the prophesied "Mark of the Beast"?

HR 3200 (pg 1001, paragraph 1) mentions this.

H.R. 3200 section 2521, Pg. 1001, paragraph 1.
The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that— ‘‘is or has been used in or on a patient; ‘‘and is— ‘‘a class III device; or ‘‘a class II device that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining.”

Within the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act:

A class II implantable device is an “implantable radio frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.” The purpose of a class II device is to collect data in medical patients such as “claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary.”

Section 163: 

Page 58 Lines 5 through 15 reads:
(D) enable the real-time (or near real time) determination of an individual’s financial responsibility at the point of service and, to the extent possible, prior to service, including whether the individual is eligible for a specific service with a specific physician at a specific facility, which may include utilization of a machine-readable health plan beneficiary identity detection card; (E) enable, where feasible, near real-time adjudication of claims.

See the full bill here: http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h3200/text

Revelation 13:16  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18  Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.


  1. At the risk of being classed as a conspiracy theorist and crank, if I told you what I know about the chips, and how close we are to the presence of the Antichrist, I doubt that you'd believe me. And if I told you how involved I am in the whole thing, again you'd not believe me. There are things going on, right now, under FEMA, that would start a civil war if the nation only knew and believed it.

    I have, for some time, believed that Obama is the creation of those behind the New World Order. This is why nobody is doing anything about his ineligibility to be the president of this nation. And if he is re-elected, I would not be surprised.

    1. If you have information for us please send it to ppsimmons@live.com


    2. I'd like to know, as well. And don't worry about being labeled as a conspiracy theorist. There are worse things, you know. lol :-)

  2. I'm confused. And I'd like to be clear so I can amend or clear up questions on my own blog about this subject (www.juliesblogs.weebly.com).

    I follow the link but the page says the bill HR 3200 is now obsolete. I follow another link to what is supposed to be the bill that is now law (HR 3962), but as I scroll down it's just a bunch of amendments.

    Okay so here's what I'm gathering, and I'd like corrections if I am wrong: the bill stands as written in HR 3200, with the exception of the amendments that were passed in the Senate, so the actual bill that is law is a combination of the original text of HR 3200 AND the amendments, making it HR 3962.

    Is that correct? Ugh, this politicking is annoying - they muddy up the waters so much you can't hardly tell what's what anymore!!

    1. Does anyone know the answer?

  3. I'm interested in learning the truth. I don't mind a conspiracy theorist, but with accurate information. Also, who knows where it is in the law that says we must pay $1.00 a month towards abortion via Obamacare?

    1. I found this article: http://www.feministsforlife.org/news/presidents-promise-broken.htm. They have a link to download the "Public Law," as it is referred to.

      Also: http://americaswatchtower.com/2012/03/13/obamacare-1-monthly-abortion-surcharge-to-be-included-in-healthcare-exchange-plans/

      The section referred to in the Public Law begins at page 50 (if you download the document from the first link), with the "surcharge" talk beginning at the end of page 52.

      Apparently this was put into effect AFTER the law was signed. So it was added on to the law without ever having been reviewed, vetted, or anything else.

      That's politicians for you.

  4. Obama Tell USA It's an Invisible Darpa Retina Microchip Not A Real RFID Micro! You Are Implanting USA Citizens With From Computer. Do you have them in your family? You have them in mine.
    Raymond States Obama Offering 1 Million For My Freedom Of Speech.Not To Post Darpa USA Micro Implants! Raymond Sells Out US Citizens Freedom 2 Mil A Yr!
    Howard Raymond Demonic US. Gov. Hates God And People he installs a Darpa invisible Adv. Alien Tech. micro in your right eye retina from computer that forms an invisible cell phone connection and an invisible cam, that can view you at any angle, record, harass or wifi torture. I am a victim of covert US Gov. microwave experimentation and Howard's love for money selling peoples freedom and sex!

    Raymond Stated Darpa Top Secret Microwave Weapons Used In Persian Gulf War, Obama Shooting Down Alien Spacecraft For US Technology. Jay Leno gets 100 mil for wifi towers. They can't beat the tech. out of the alien captives and The Jay Leno leases out Gov. Microwave Towers for 100 million to Obama US Darpa Agencies a year wifi micro implant the US from your computer now! You probably already have your silent invisible micro right retina eye implant program like a chip, I do! Sell out USA for 2 million a year! Raymond said Darpa Obama won't take them out the micros are for war and security not demonic mind control and wifi torture! Tell the world Obama, do you have them in your family? You have them in me and mine!

    Howard wifi harassing for Obama he said he is paid to torture Obama Haters and Christians! He hates me and everyone and is brain damaged from his parents drug habit and his own for 43 years, from 72785 Skyward Way, Palm Desert, CA 92260, or 72310 Blue Ridge Ct., Palm Desert. CA. 92260. Gay Howard Raymond married to his cousin (a male),owns and uses Virtuagirl.com to lure guys to watch and record!
    Covert US Gov. Telling The World You're Darpa Retina Right Eye Invisibly Micro-Implanting USA From Computer Or Cell!
    Urgent This Is Truth You Getting A 666 Demonic Darpa Adv. Alien Tech. Micro Program Implanted Now! Thousands Of Demonic Covert Gov. Agencies Electronic Invisible Micro-Implant Target Obama Haters, Priests. Evangelists, Jews, Christians and Republicans!

    Raymond said US military, police and Gov officials are Darpa micro right retina eye implanted and silently monitored by his retarded ass like most US citizens for Gov. or your own security but you don't know it and they are afraid to tell you because it is for alien microwave tech. wars in process now! I am a witness to all of this! He stated Darpa is micro implanting silently all foreign countries though Gov. Darpa Agencies!
    You Have A Free USA Darpa 666 Slave Micro In You Now! Sorry Military & Vets Gov. Selling Our US Freedom For-2 Mil A Year! Howard said Obama Darpa Gov. pays Democrat Millionaires 1-2 Million per year to microchip everyone in USA Land Of The Free!
