Friday, May 18, 2012

NPR Interview with Wash Post/NY Times Blames Capitalism for Greek Collapse - Dooms America to Same Fate

Today May 18 on the NPR radio show "All Things Considered" Robert Seigel interviewed representatives from The New York Times and Washington Post on various topics which made the headlines throughout the week.

Near the end of the segment Robert asked them about the events transpiring in Greece. Specifically Mr Siegel was interested in their take on the difference between the US political and financial system compared with the Greek system. The specific question from the host was "is America better situated than Greece"?

The answer from the guests was astounding. It boggles the mind - though it shouldn't considering who these people are and who they write for - but I digress.

The answer they gave was this: "The collapse in Greece is a failure of capitalism and America will end up like Greece". The show's host never questioned that assertion and the segment came to an end as though what was said was simply a matter of fact.

It's a stunner, really, that these idiots have jobs that don't involve asking people if they'd like fries with that. Failure of capitalism? Greece? Evidently no one ever schooled these talking heads at NPR, NY Times, or the Washington Post on what capitalism really is. So here's the best education you'll ever see on it.

Capitalism is 1. Invention 2. Effort 3. Reward. That is the truest definition of capitalism. Remove one of those and the three-legged stool collapses. Here's the problem with Greece - they took away two of those legs and expected to support on entire economy on reward alone. No invention requirement. No effort requirement. All that's left is the reward for simply existing and that, my friends, is a failure of socialism - not capitalism.

Greece is a welfare state! It has been a welfare state since the 70's and has collapsed under the weight of a populace trying to balance on a one-legged stool which we are witnessing the collapse of. How imbecilic of NPR and the liberal rags to suggest that capitalism is the bad guy here.

Capitalism works every time it is tried... every time. It has nothing to do with greed. It has nothing to do mistreating the environment. In fact the best way to protect the environment is to implement capitalism which always protects its inventions, investments, and interests and always works every time. Capitalism is the answer and Barack Obama's socialist policies will destroy America if he is allowed to persist. That is the truth about Greece. And that is why NPR needs government assistance to survive and why the liberal "news"papers are bleeding money. Capitalism - invention, effort, reward. Learn it, live it, love it.

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