Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Obama Pulls a Ron Paul - Defers to States on "Gay" Marriage Laws

In a recent email from the Official Obama Campaign headquarters President used his new stance on "gay" marriage as a campaign tool to drum up support from the his liberal base. (see here).

However Obama cleverly deferred to the states on the legal aspect of it, effectively borrowing from Ron Paul who said he would defer to states on issues like abortion. Here's the quote from the email:

I respect the beliefs of others, and the right of religious institutions to act in accordance with their own doctrines. But I believe that in the eyes of the law, all Americans should be treated equally. And where states enact same-sex marriage, no federal act should invalidate them.
WOW! - now THAT'S politics for you! Taking a stand but not really taking a stand. Good job Barack. He's come across as both in favor of states rights AND "gay" marriage. 

However - and it's a big however - what will happen should Obama get re-elected is anyone's guess. Lame-duck presidents are very dangerous; especially ones with a radical agenda. Can someone who's views on something so socially divisible and traditionally meaningful have changed so dramatically over such a short period of time be trusted to keep his word on anything at all?

Unlike Ron Paul, who's views have remained consistent since forever, Barack Obama has an "evolving" moral compass. A man who never had a reliable father-figure for any sustained length of time - handed off from one man to another - who's choices of friends have turned out to be the poorest one could possibly imagine - cavorting with terrorists and the like - and now coming around 180 degrees on one of the most dangerous lifestyles on earth - homosexuality.

Clearly the president is on the wrong side of this issue. Many of us saw it coming however, you know, slippery slopes and whatnot.  

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