Thursday, May 17, 2012

Obama Supporter: "I don't care where he was born - he's a Democrat and that's all that matters"

So there I was, eating breakfast in a small diner up in a Canadian border town, when an acquaintance walks in and joins me. We discussed a few business-related matters and whatnot.

I didn't know the man very well. He bore an uncanny resemblance to Denzel Washington - great smile, sunny disposition. We had a few laughs and then the conversation took a more serious turn... politics.

I remembered that this guy was an American citizen. I asked him if he was still eligible to vote in the US elections. He nodded his head in affirmation as he wrestled with his plate of pancakes. "I'm voting for Obama" he said enthusiastically. "Why"?, I asked. His answer, and the conversation which ensued, is quite revealing.

"Because he's a Democrat" the Denzel lookalike said dogmatically. I proceeded to prod him about his knowledge of the eligibility problems associated with the president and he abruptly stopped me and said "I don't care. I don't care where he's from. As long as he's a Democrat I'll vote for him". Then he dropped a stunner. Knowing that I'm a Canadian citizen he pointed at me and said "even if you were running I would vote for you if you were a Democrat".

The US constitution - section 1 of article 2 -  is quite clear that any person running for President or Vice President must be a "natural born" citizen. This is defined as someone born on US soil with both parents as US citizens. The framers wanted to be sure that there were no foreign allegiances; a sound measure to be sure.

So there we go - the real reason a liberal Democrat with designs on government takeover of all aspects of private life is currently in the oval office. Folks simply don't care. If they did, the world would be far better off today - that's right I said it - the world would be better off - including Canada.

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