Friday, May 18, 2012

Youtube Inadvertently HELPING Christian Outreach by Closing Controversial Accounts

After "terminating" mega-popular channels like drcraigvideos (home channel for Dr William Lane Craig) and PPSIMMONS (which was found to be wrongfully terminated and hence reinstated), youtube has now shut down a pro-traditional family video called  "Homosexual Marriage (WARNING!) Look to Canada – (BdeanSonsofLiberty)".

The video explains how in Canada homeschooling parents are forbidden from teaching their children during school time that homosexuality is a sin – and government officials openly proclaim that they will not tolerate such biblical opinions.

That kind of invasion of a private home by the government, the video explains, is what could be approaching for the U.S. “The government is trying to control what and how we teach our children,” the video explains.

Now, the content of the video is being talked about, shared on many social networking sites, and viewed by countless people thanks to news stories (like this one) being run on major news sites like WND,,, and many more.

Had youtube simply left it alone much less fuss would have been made about this atrocity. Now it seems the message of the video will go viral... all thanks to the blatant discriminatory practices at youtube. How ironic that the attempt by flaggers to shut the message down would be directly responsible for the message spreading around the world. Here is the video.

1 comment:

  1. Just like the mythological Phoenix, Sodom and Gomorrah has risen from its ashes and is being reborn.
