Thursday, September 6, 2012

Atlas Shrugged Part II Official Trailer - must see

Atlas Shrugged, Part 2 is an upcoming film based on the novel Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.



  1. I'm wondering why you are endorsing a blantantly atheist woman and her views. I hope you are aware of not only the egotistical selfish attitudes in her books and philosophy but also of her connection to government and the rothschilds. I really hope you are not endorsing this...

  2. Rand was an anti-religionist... people try to hijack her name for the modern atheist cause but she would loathe them also. She wasn't perfect... but her ideas, if implemented, would cause prosperity to flourish in America again. The dynamics envisioned by Rand are manifesting today... regardless of your protests. Communism has grown into a major, unobstructed tenet in the Democrat party... just as Rand predicted... in spite of her detractors.

  3. shes an outspoken materialist... i thought this was a christian blog

  4. Actually she's dead, no longer a materialist... but as an astute observer of history she nailed the coming calamity in America because she lived through it in Russia... she was schooled in the atrocities of communism first hand and had a warning for America - and her predictions are coming true. We are not promoting her views on the supernatural, certainly, but the only two Baptist presidents were the worst one's America ever had (Carter/Clinton) so...

  5. either way im pretty disturbed you guys would endorse her...given her history...and given she is praised by many masons, leftists, liberals, and any other money hungry rich person who puts themselves above others and is ok with it. certainly her teachings are the complete opposite to what Jesus taught
