Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Did JESUS give us the NAME of the ANTICHRIST?


  1. Sheer coincidence. Obama does not fit the many qualifications given for the Antichrist. Sorry, but this guy won't be someone who is already world famous. According to Daniel he will be a "little horn". He will be a "nobody" on the world stage when he comes to power. Plus the fact that the nationality of the antichrist will be the same as those who overran Jerusalem in 70 AD. He will be of mideast descent. Sorry to burst your bubble. Interesting stuff though!

    1. WHAT!? Obama was TOTALLY unknown when he came to power! We STILL don't know who he is! And what exactly IS his descent? His birth documents have been proven FRAUDULENT! It LOOKS like he was born in KENYA!!! Give me a break. You haven't "burst" anything.
