Zev Porat

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Romney says he won't repeal all of Obamacare - will Paul Ryan quit race?

WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitt Romney says his pledge to repealPresident Barack Obama's health law doesn't mean that young adults and those with medical conditions would no longer be guaranteed health care.
The Republican presidential nominee says he'll replace the law with his own plan. He tells NBC's "Meet the Press" that the plan he worked to pass while governor of Massachusetts deals with medical conditions and with young people.
Romney says he doesn't plan to repeal of all of Obama's signature health care plan. He says there are a number of initiatives he likes in the Affordable Care Act that he would keep in place if elected president.
Obama has been campaigning on the benefits in his plan for the uninsured, women and young adults.
Yet in this report from Washington Times columnist Jeff Kuhner we learned that Paul Ryan suggested he would resign if Obamacare isn't repealed. Hear that report HERE!
Will Paul Ryan resign as Jeff Kuhner suggested or will they come together on this deal breaker issue? Stay tuned!

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