Zev Porat

Thursday, September 6, 2012

SAVAGE: DEMS REJECTION OF GOD 'THE TURNING POINT' - America disgusted with party of Atheists and America haters

The Democratic Party’s symbolic dismissal of God with the removal and forced return of His name to its platform by party officials amid boos from delegates could be the turning point in the 2012 presidential campaign said talk radio-host Michael Savage. “This is a big moment,” Savage told his listeners after describing a remarkable divine encounter he experienced last night that has underscored for him the gravity of the moment.
“America is disgusted with this party of atheists and America haters,” he said.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing the Democrats do surprises me, I have really been praying about this whole scene! My spirit is so frustrated and then I realize, Why art thou cast down, oh my soul! Hope thou in God! You know, I will not be at all surprised if something cataclysmic happens at this convention! Think about it! If any national leader has ever shook his fist in the face of God, it is Obama and the entire Democrat Party leadership! First, 20,000 muslims praying to allah! Then the Obama calendar sales where the August Page quotes John 3:16 implying that Obama is our Precious Lord and Savior, God's only
    begotten Son, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, then the Democratic platform where they have removed all reference to God, endorsed the murder of innocent unborn babies via Abortion, endorsed homosexuality and denied Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel! The trademark of this entire
    administration is founded on lies which is the opposite of Truth which is Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life! My associate and I were praying together today over some work issues and our nation! I felt strongly impressed that the situation is like when Elijah contended with the prophets of Baal and God revealed himself with Fire! Anyhow, I know God is still on His Throne and He will NOT be mocked! He will not always strive with man!
