Wednesday, September 12, 2012

STUNNER! Al Qaeda Releases New Video of American Hostage - PLEADS TO NETANYAHU, SAYS OBAMA 'NOT INTERESTED'

KABUL – Al Qaeda has released a new video of American hostage Warren Weinstein delivering a personal message to Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. In the video, Weinstein, 71, believed to be held in the tribal regions along Pakistan's border with Afghanistan, appears healthy and calm, speaking in a soft, controlled manner.

 "Unfortunately President Obama and the American government have shown no interest in my case," Weinstein says in the video, seated on a chair with his back slightly slouched, wearing a thin white t-shirt. "Therefore, as a Jew, I'm appealing to you, Prime Minister Netanyahu, the head of the Jewish state of Israel, one Jew to another, to please intervene on my behalf."

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