Sunday, September 9, 2012

STUNNER! Obama teaches 6yr old how to mock the US Constitution

U.S. President Barack Obama (2nd R) reaches for a beer at the Gator's Dockside restaurant and to talk with families while campaigning in Orlando, Florida, September 8, 2012.    REUTERS/Larry Downing  (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)Not every kid gets asked for his birth certificate by the president of the United States. But that's what happened to a Florida lad, Andre Wupperman, when he met Barack Obama at a Florida sports bar and family joint on Saturday.
Obama made an unannounced stop at Gators Dockside -- one of many surprise visits he makes to local businesses as a candidate for reelection -- and mingled with the patrons. Upon hearing that Andre, who turns seven next week, was born in Hawaii, the president asked: "You were born in Hawaii? You have a birth certificate?" The joke got laughs, according the pool reporter Helene Cooper of the New York Times.
And according to the Associated Press, Obama had greeted Andre with the "shaka" sign, a gesture often associated Hawaii.
The president also stopped at another table and led a group in singing "Happy Birthday" to Sorina Terrell.
Umm... it happens to be a constitutional requirement that a person be a "natural born citizen" of these here United States of America in order to be POTUS... and Barack has yet to provide non-fraudulent evidence of exactly where he was born. SEE HERE!.. unlike the 6 yr old boy who could probably easily provide such evidence!

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