Zev Porat

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Two more Syrian diplomats defect - join opposition

Demonstrators protest against Syria's President Bashar al-Assad in Sermeen, near Idlib, in this handout photo provided by Shaam News Network September 7, 2012. The banner reads (R) "Victory comes from God". REUTERS/Shaam News Network/Handout
Two Syrian diplomats in Malaysia announced late on Friday that they had joined the opposition, according to a report by pan-Arab television channel Al Arabiya.
Two men identifying themselves as First Secretary Imad Ahmar and Attaché Mahmoud Obedi from Syria's Kuala Lumpur embassy read out a statement on the channel declaring their "support for the Syrian people's revolution against the tyrannical regime".
But the defections so far are seen largely as symbolic and Assad has increasingly relied on a close circle of relatives and senior members of his minority Alawite sect dominating the ruling elite to maintain his grip on power.

1 comment:

  1. YEAH because the CIA and MI5 told them if they didn't, they would help them get assassinated. Considering the AL JAZEERA website hack, where the hackers said they were sick of one sided lying biased media CRAP about how the regime is the one killing everybody when it is really Al Qaeda trained terrorists being supported by CIA/MI5 agents. I'm sick of the media LIES.
