Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Iran working "non stop" toward "military" nuclear capability

Iran: We just need an excuse to destroy Israel The Times of Israel cited unnamed Iranian sources as saying the Islamic Republic's nuclear program is accelerating.
"More and more young graduates and people are brought in every day," said one source who works at one of Iran's nuclear facilities. "We have been working non-stop."
The source revealed that Iran would be able to enrich large quantities of uranium to 50 or 60 percent by early next year. Uranium must be enriched to 90 percent to be used in nuclear warheads.
Israeli experts have noted that uranium need only be enriched a very small amount to be used for energy production, so the fact that Iran has already nearly reached 50 percent is all the evidence needed that its nuclear program is military in nature.
It has also been repeatedly pointed out, most recently by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before the UN General Assembly, that the early stages of uranium enrichment are the hardest and most time-consuming. For Iran to jump from its current position to possessing weapons-grade uranium requires only a small time investment and the proper equipment.

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