Thursday, October 4, 2012

Student Who Got 'Gay Cure' Sues California Over New Law

Student Who Got 'Gay Cure' Sues California Over New Law (ABC News)
A college student who claims he once had same-sex attractions but became heterosexual after conversion therapy has filed a lawsuit against California, which has enacted a law that bans so-called "gay cures" for minors.
The lawsuit, also joined as plaintiffs by two therapists who have used the treatments with patients, alleges that the law banning the therapy intrudes on First Amendment protections of free speech, privacy and freedom of religion.
The student, Aaron Blitzer, who is studying to be a therapist in that field, said the law would prevent him from pursuing his career, according to court papers filed Monday in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California.
The lawsuit names as defendants California Gov. Jerry Brown, as well as 21other state officials, including members of the California Board of Behavioral Sciences and the California Medical Board.

1 comment:

  1. This so called legislation which literally dictates homosexuality on the public, saying you better not try to stop our perversion, is brought on partly by obama! This young man is amazing, and has all our respect!

    What few understand is they do not want to be allowed to be gay, they want all infected with the same symptoms they have, and want it to be as in Sodom the judges setting laws to where anyone not gay must be raped, and allow the gays to known them, and is why our Lord is prerparing His retaking of earth, with proof below, first obama, who is helping end many destiny's..He obama approves/affirms same sex marriage, yet has no right to do so, as oprah proved on her talk show years back, the majority of black men see gay/same sex relations as being normal, and say you can do so and not be gay, shocking black house wives and America! So obamas view does not count, due to him hiself apparently having some time in his life met men in downtown areas, and had normal sex with them!

    To view what causes gayness/homosexuality now found by science, yet has been know for many years, go to the about us page on the website at Adam and Eve seed gathering Ministry near the bottom of the page are many discussions and images of the unclean bacterial spirits that cause all unnatural acts of mankind/womankind from drunkenness to drug use, to harlotism to yes homosexuality! Also go for evidence our Lord the Great Physician who came long ago and told us we all had a disease called sin, go to the Prophecy and the signs page, and therein are the prewritten news events of this day, such as the Japan quake and tidal wave, and the DC/Virginia Beach Virginia quake our Lord Jesus brought on the same day martin luther kings statue was unveiled, as for many more signs that have come and are coming, the listed signs posted more than three years ago and more.... Also go to the Adam and Eve in Action blog for undeniable links and videos... Respect to all of Adam's/God's seed ... { both sites found at google search }
