Friday, November 23, 2012

Obama supporter admits to numerical Obama oddities and coincidences - suggests he could be the Antichrist

The following is a post from this website. You will immediately notice the person claims to be an Obama supporter.

Just to let everyone know I am an Obama supporter but I did find these coincidences interesting.............We all have heard about the Lincoln-Kennedy coincidences. There appears to be a few with Kennedy and Obama plus numerical oddities some would say points to Obama being the anti-christ in the end of days. To understand who the anti-christ is you have to know his characteristics that are described in the Bible. Based on those descriptions, he is not going to be someone like Osama Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein which would be too obvious. He is going to be someone that the entire world will love and respect and someone who is a christian. He has to appear that way so Satan can deceive the whole world. Anyway here are the coincendences and the numerical oddities...................

- In an odd numeric coincidence, JFK (born May 29, 1917) was 44 when Obama was born. Obama is the 44th president.
-the LIFE Magazine issue of August 4, 1961 features JFK on the cover. Barack Obama was born August 4, 1961
-to go even further, the timing was right for Obama to have been concieved the night Kennedy was elected.
link to Time cover.

one odd occurance happened on the night Obama was elected. The pick 3 in the Illinois State lottery (Obama's home state) was 6-6-6. The pick 4 was 7-7-7-9. All of those numbers are important biblical numbers. 666 stands for the anti-christ. 777 stands for holy completion and 9 stands for judgement.
Some say Obama is the anti-christ. The secret service gave Obama a code name "The Renegade". In the dictionary Renegade means: 
a "lawless" one a "rebel"a "deserter" from a faith (apostasy)a "deserter from an allegiance
They point out that the book of Thessalonians 2 in the bible declares the anti-christ as being the leader of the "apostasy" or "rebellion" and will be known as the "lawless one".
Gematria is a 3,000 year old Hewbrew practice of assigning certain numerical values to the Hebrew alphabet. Barack Hussein Obama has a gematria value of "501". Thats the same value for "Judgement" and "End of Days"
Barack in Arabic means "blessed"Hussein in Arabic means "handsome"Obama is an African word meaning "leaning"
Applying old hebrew gematria values to these english words results in:
"Blessed" 2+30+5+100+100+5+4= 246"Handsome" 8+1+50+4+100+60+40+5= 268"Leaning" 30+5+1+50+9+50+7= 152
246 + 268 + 152 = 666 The Bible says 666 is the name of the antichrist
If you take OBAMA and add up the numbers generated from the corresponding numbers on a phone you get 666. The same thing with BIDEN.
Obama's office in Chicago was in the 60606 zip code. Thats also where his national campaign headquarters was located.
Obama's limo is named "the beast" "the beast" is connected with the anti-christ "riding the beast" in the book of Revelation.
Add to the fact that December 22, 2012 AD is around the corner and Obama will be president during that time. This is the date of the end of the Mayan calendar and ancient civilization predict something of great importance will happen on this date.

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  1. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world. He who has an ear, let him hear. (Rev 13:8,9) I'm Pretty sure that includes the Jew. I'm also positive that the 4th beast described in Daniel is the revised roman empire.

  2. The vast majority of American Jews voted for Obama (Dhimmitude). However Israel will rebel against the Antichrist provoking Armageddon. Nowhere in the Bible is a "revived Roman Empire" suggested. We are currently in the trumpet days of Revelation.

  3. I do admit that Obama does have a lot of the characteristics. As far as the revised roman empire goes, I'm going by what most prophetic preachers say( Hal Lindsay, Grant Jeffrey, and so on). I wish I could read and understand myself but I have a problem with understanding what I read( Not just the Bible). I forget what I've read after each paragraph. Could you possibly point me sum where that explains things by your understanding?

  4. Absolutely! Please take the time to listen to this in-depth endtime study from PPSIMMONS... bless you!

  5. Thanks, I will listen to this tonight.

  6. I believe God showed me at a time I laughed at the thought of him being the ant chr. I was so shocked and it had to have been God showing me. I had confirmations and I also found God has a way to make you know it is He speaking, I He is so AWESOME!! No other explanation, I am not a supporter of BO at all. Even before this, but something scared me about him. I Now I know.

  7. I also read a study about him and conclusion was he possibly could be from the tribe of Dan. I will try to remember where I read that, it was very interesting . He and Bush and others are related.

  8. FYI: The Bible does not say anything about the 'revised' Roman Empire. If you look at Scripture, together with history, you can see that the region of Babylon was where the paganism took root and where 'mother-son' cult began. Nimrod became their sun-god, Semiramis, the moon-goddess, and this is the same basic paganism throughout Egypt, Canaan, Israel, Greece, Rome, etc. (See Walid Shoebat on YouTube) The Roman Empire became the Holy Roman Empire under Constantine, and the cult infiltrated Christianity (Christmas, yule log, lent, etc.). The Holy Roman Empire became the Roman Catholic Church. Therefore, the Roman Empire never ceased to exist and cannot be 'revived.' According to my study of Scripture, the anti-Christ (opposing Messiah) must be Islamic. Coincidentally, their al Mahdi has the same characteristics. This is just a shortened version. There are other 'entities', both religious and secular, because the Adversary isn't taking chances. Those evil entities are satanic in origin, as well. Isra'el won't recognize anti-Christ, as the world won't; and, has already been working with Islam in an effort to rebuild the Temple as a religious center for all faiths. For more info, see (This is what I have studied for over four years, taught, and write about!)
