Zev Porat

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Scientists jettison evolution theory for actual science at birthplace of Darwinism

It supposedly took billions of years for life to evolve on earth, but it seems that evolution can’t help when it’s most needed. The Mecca for evolution believers (the Galapagos Islands) has been overrun by hundreds of millions of greedy rats, and the only way to balance the population is to drop 22 tons of poison from the air onto the islands.(1) The rats are eating the eggs of giant tortoises, lava lizards eggs, snakes, hawks and iguanas. 

They are also depleting plants on which native species feed, and critically endangering endangered birds. So where does “survival of the fittest” come into this? Surely it’s just a matter of letting the rats win the rat race and take over the islands. We should just stand back and see what evolution has in mind for the problem. The endangered birds will perhaps evolve anti-rat feathers or hard-shell eggs. But the process of evolution takes a very long time and none of us live long enough to see it even slightly take place. Evolutionists have been dropping that poison for years.

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