Tuesday, December 4, 2012


We don't make long impassioned pleas for cash. But we also know that people are always looking for ways to help us out. We give away a great deal of free material and would LOVE to be able to do MUCH MUCH more! 

So we decided to make this portal available for those who have one dollar to one thousand dollars or more and are looking for ways to use it to invest in our part in the Kingdom "exploits".

We are not tied to any government agency through 501 charity registration so we are not able to issue tax receipts however we are also not bound by the legal restrictions associated with registering with any government. And this advantage allows us to fully engage in the political discussions going on in the arena of ideas.

So if you have a desire to assist us financially it's quite simple. Using your Paypal account just send your donation to ppsimmons@live.com. It couldn't be any easier.

Thank you 


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