Friday, January 18, 2013

AGAIN! Rick Warren Misses The Point - COMPLETELY!

PPSIMMONS: - Once again, Rick Warren appears on TV - this time on Oprah...and once again Rick Warren missed the boat on proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Once in the interview Warren tells the audience "read the Bible and listen to God."  That was it, apparently. The rest of the evening was spent in discussing self-help philosophy and feel good pop psychology.   Read the Bible and listen to God? Well...that is a good start - but even Satan knows the Bible and even Satan "listens" to God. Read the Book of Job - you'll see what I mean.  Not one word did Warren give about needing Salvation in Jesus Christ for REAL life healing....The ship has sailed again - and Warren missed it. Shame on him.


Saddleback Church Senior Pastor Rick Warren, making an appearance on the OWN network's "Oprah's Lifeclass," assigned a "homework assignment" to the audience by telling them to open up the Bible and start reading the Book of John.

"You are a product of your past, but you are not a prisoner of your past. It has influence over you, but it's just one of the cards," Warren said on the episode that was aired on Jan. 13, adding that reading the Book of John can help people come to that realization.

While promoting the 10th anniversary of his best-selling non-fiction book, The Purpose Driven Life, Warren created an analogy between life and the card game of poker.

"The cards we are dealt are the things we don't have control over. I didn't choose where I was born, when I was born, I didn't choose my gender, my parents, my race, my natural abilities, my natural weaknesses, but a wise player can even play what seems to be a weak hand, and win the game. There are ways to take what you are given and make the most out of it," Warren continued....



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Pastor Carl Gallups is a best selling author, a conservative talk show host veteran, former Florida law enforcement officer and a long-time Senior Pastor of a large Gulf Coast Baptist Church. He is the founder of the mega-viral and world famous PPSIMMONS YouTube channel. His face, voice, opinions, and ministry materials are known to millions around the world.

1 comment:

  1. I can't get through to my pastor, (and this is a holiness church), about Rick Warren. He doesn't see the facts.

    You have that video on the PPsimmons youtube channel about Obama being the Antichrist. I would submit that if Obama may become the Antichrist, then Rick Warren is the best candidate for the False prophet.
