Thursday, January 24, 2013

Colin Powell calls on GOP to DENOUNCE Birthers! "NOT SO FAST" says Mike Zullo - invites Powell to personally view the EVIDENCE!

While being interviewed by ABC’s Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos, Colin Powell called on the GOP to denounce "birtherism nonsense" and the demonization of Barack Obama.

While being interviewed by Mark Gillar, host of The Tea Party Power Hour, Sheriff Arpaio's lead investigator in the Obama Probe Mike Zullo said he would extend an invitation to Ret. Gen. Colin Powell and allow him to review all document fraud evidence collected thus far including some that has not been released to general public. To listen to that part of the interview which is featured in a YouTube video, see this video.

If you would like to listen to the entire interview with Mike Zullo, please click the following link.

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