Monday, January 7, 2013

MAGIC MAN IN THE SKY - Continues To Soar!

                                      Blockbuster WND Book continues to garner
Months as the Top Selling Book in America in Science & Religion on Amazon!

The Magic Man In The Sky: Effectively Defending The Christian Faith was released by WND Books in May of 2012. Within days it soared to the #1 spot in Amazon’s Science and Religion section and hovered there for several months. It was, at the same time, named #1 in Hot New Releases and retained that accolade for several months as well.                                                                                                                              

In the meantime the book has gained quite a following around the world and still continues to pile up the five star ratings on Amazon nearly nine months later. In less than two months from its initial release, the book soared to number 400 on Amazon, out of the many millions of books available from that source.                   

“Considering it is a niche book, a Christian apologetics book, I was absolutely amazed. Number 400 out of millions is an amazing milestone!” Gallups said.

The blockbuster book, and the author, Carl Gallups, have been featured on TBN, the Dove TV Network, Creation Today TV, Coast Up Close TV, Atlanta Live, Christ In Prophecy TV (Dallas, TX), The Janet Parshall Show (Moody Network), and coast-to-coast talk radio programs from Mancow In the Morning (Chicago) to Bill Martinez Live (Southern California).  

The book was also rave reviewed in The Washington Times in an article, If God Is Dead, America Is In Trouble, by Times columnist, Jeff Kuhner.  Kuhner called the book, “A must-read book ... A muscular defense of the Christian faith ... An arsenal of powerful rebuttals..."
Gallups says The Magic Man In The Sky has been endorsed by a physics teacher, a microbiologist with the EPA, other best selling authors, a commander in a chaplain’s office with the United States Navy, a university president, and several university and seminary professors.                                                                   

Gallups continued, “I continue to receive testimonials and anecdotes from people around the nation telling of how God has used the book to change their lives. Many people are leaving similar comments under the ratings section at Amazon as well.”                                                                                                          

Gallups went on to recount a recent story that impacted him deeply, “Recently,” Gallups said, “a church member of the church I pastor told me that he was on a business trip in south Florida and met a woman who told him she had recently been saved after reading The Magic Man In The Sky. I was blown away – but he went on to tell me that the woman said she gave it to a local pastor who immediately gave it to a skeptic couple he was counseling for marriage. The pastor told her that within days, the couple reported they had given their lives to the Lord as well. They were baptized shortly thereafter. It’s these kinds of accounts that humble me to the core. I know the Lord has blessed this book.”
In the meantime, nearly nine months from its initial release, The Magic Man In The Sky continues to hover in the top 50 best sellers in Amazon’s science and religion category.


AMAZING  - Marcus J. Dillon  This book is an effective witness to the truth of Jesus Christ, with logic and reason this book awakens the truth that is already hard wired into us. Jesus loves us all, and He is God.   FIVE STARS

LOVED IT! - Western Ink Excellent book. It touches on numerous topics, frames arguments, and quotes Bible verses. I bought this book on my kindle but an considering buying it for my library shelf in the home. I'm currently having my mom read it as well. An excellent book for the Christian who needs a little help defending their faith.        FIVE STARS

GREAT BOOK!  - William Duzet Carl lays out the case for creation and God's plan very clearly. Excellent book! In these "last days" this book will lay a foundation for future witnessing.  FIVE STARS

Gallups said, “I am convinced the reason the book continues to do so well is that it is a timeless work. It is not dated. Twenty years from now the content of the book will still be relevant to life and life’s toughest questions. In fact, twenty years from now, the book might even be more valuable!”                                            

  Amazon hardcover available HERE

Amazon Kindle available HERE

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