Saturday, April 27, 2013

After the GOP suicide

Exclusive: Tom Tancredo says amnesty bill is last straw, predicts 'replacement party' in 2016

By Tom Tancredo - for


Where is Dr, Kevorkian when you really need him? The Republican Party is crying out for help in completing its avowed suicide. Someone should step up and render the humanitarian coup d' grace.

It's not just the foolhardy "Gang of Eight" Senate amnesty bill that illustrates the Republican Party's yearning for electoral oblivion. The House Republican leadership has squandered broad public opposition to Obamacare by never defunding the program. On a dozen major bills they have refused to force confrontations with the Democrat-controlled Senate.

Indeed, it's hard to find a major issue in Congress where the Republican leadership has not abandoned principle as well as smart politics in favor of placating the Washington establishment.

The upshot of all this stupidity is that the conservative base of the Republican Party – which is to say, 80 percent of the party's membership – is beginning to look for a new home. Inertia can carry the party's leadership only so far, and it is not likely it will carry them through 2016.

Conservative opposition to the Boehner team has been growing since the debt ceiling cave-in of 2011. If Boehner caves on amnesty by allowing the Senate amnesty bill or some version of it to come to the House floor for a vote, the Republican Party will implode. It will not require a "coup"; it will simply collapse, a victim of its own homegrown Hemlock.

What is striking about the GOP self-immolation is that is has all been done in the name smart politics, as if you can expand your numbers by insulting and then angering your base. That's about as smart as kicking a hornet's nest.

We've all heard that third-party movements seldom succeed and usually only split a protest vote and allow the incumbent party to win. That is true in ordinary times, but these are not ordinary times.


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