Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Benedict Arnold II: Allen West Turns Coat on Doctor Terrence Lakin; On His Officer’s Oath; On the Constitution; And On ‘We the People’ To ‘Preserve and Defend’ His Political Aspirations.


In Dr. Terry Lee Lakin's book 'Officer's Oath—Why My Vow To Defend The Constitution Demanded That I Sacrifice My Career,' Dr. Lakin relates an incident where he attended a fundraiser for Allen West who was running for Congress.

Dr. Lakin elaborates within his relating of the event former Colonel West's admirable story of his being charged for having discharged his side arm by the head of an Iraqi Policeman who, as it turned out, was in fact providing intelligence to our Islamic enemy to be used in the placement of IEDs.

Alan West is undoubtedly a war hero.

Under vastly different circumstances than those surrounding the prosecution of former Lieutenant Colonel Terrance Lakin, former Col. West was too wrongfully prosecuted and persecuted.

In fact, Dr. Lakin relates that when Col. West was asked if he would do it again the former Company Commander said, "If it is about the lives of my men and their safety I'd go through Hell with a gasoline can." And that on the way out of the fundraiser, Allen West stopped by and told Dr. Lakin, "You are doing what is right."

Fast Forward to CPAC 2013 and consider Allen West's response to Pastor Carl Gallups and Lead Detective of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's volunteer Cold Case Posse Mike Zullo.

Mr. West responded to their request that he support the effort to publicize the ongoing crimes of Mister Obama with an explanation that he would not do so because doing so might adversely affect his future political aspirations.

Mr. West's situational ethics are indicative of a degree of hypocrisy heretofore only matched in American history by one Benedict Arnold—another American war hero who turned his coat for personal aspirations.

The only rational response to Mr. West's 180 degree abandonment of his personal code of ethics and trampling asunder of his officer's oath to 'preserve and defend the Constitution' which he so admirably lived up to on the battle field in Afghanistan is: 'Mr. West, You are doing what is wrong.'

Metaphorically speaking, Allen West is in a position of celebrity to hold a proverbial gun to the figurative head of the main stream media and fire the right words needed now to 'preserve and defend the Constitution' consistent with an officer's oath by simply demanding a congressional investigation within Congress' 'informing function' into the purported constitutional eligibility of Mister Obama including a forensic investigation of the documents which the 'Manchurian' Muslim from Mombasa has proffered as evidence of his yet unproven status of being a constitutionally eligible to be president natural born citizen.

How else can one explain Mr. West's unparalleled hypocrisy wherein he responded to Pastor Carl Gallups and detective Mike Zullo who presented him at CPAC with the facts regarding Mister Obama's crimes surrounding the criminal usurpation of the presidency by fraud and forgery with an explanation that he, Mr. West, wouldn't involve himself with the issue because doing so might adversely affect his political aspirations other than by recognizing the man's words and actions—or lack of actions as the case may be (and actions do speak louder than words Mr. West), for what they are—self-aggrandizing unethical hypocrisy?

When asked about the truth of the matter surrounding the criminal usurpation of the presidency by an ineligible individual who fraudulently represented himself to be constitutionally eligible to be president in two presidential elections, Pastor Gallups responded, "The truth is that the birth certificate proffered by Obama himself as his ONLY identifying document presented to the public thus far—is a fake. It's a forged and fabricated document. The question has to be asked—'why would the POTUS present a forged document to the nation and proclaim this to be his legitimate identification?' It doesn't make sense—unless, perhaps, he has no legitimate identification. If this is so, it goes directly to national security, constitutional law, federal law, and a potential constitutional crises." ('BREAKING! MORE VIPs ARE GETTING ON THE BANDWAGON! The Obama Fraud Is Nearing a Complete Exposure!' 23, April, 2013. PPSIMMONS.BLOGSPOT.COM.)

America is in the midst of a constitutional crisis of unparalleled magnitude—she has no legal sitting president or vice-president for Mister Obama was in the commission of crimes when he was illegally elected to office.

The only way in which Americans might be able to right this horrendous miscarriage of justice; this mockery of the American experiment in 'government of the People'; the most sinister crime committed against the American experiment in 'government of the People' in our nation's history—is to elect a constitutionally eligible president who will give his word and follow through with his promise to honor the oath he would necessarily take when swearing-in to office to 'preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America,' by RETROACTIVELY ABROGATING THE ILLEGAL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL ELECTION OF AN IMPOSTOR, A CRIMINAL USURPER, A FRAUD AND A FORGER, TO THE PRESIDENCY.

"The oath taken by officers does not include any provision to obey orders; while enlisted personnel are bound by the Uniform Code of Military Justice to obey lawful orders, officers in the service of the United States are bound by this oath to disobey any order that violates the Constitution of the United States." ('Officers Oath' by Terry Lakin with Jack Cashill and David Mercado.)

Allen West is a war hero and this writer will gladly swallow his words if Mr. West repents now of his turncoat ways and re-examines his priorities and reconsiders his officer's oath and joins with Pastor Gallups and the Cold Case Posse to 'preserve and protect the Constitution' and restore honor unto the office of the president of the United States of America.

'We the People' who would defend the Constitution must work to put in office a legal, constitutionally eligible sitting president who will order, as a legitimate commander-in-chief, a military tribunal to investigate Obama's forged documents and his larger conspiracy to contravene the Constitution—even re-opening the case of Lieutenant Colonel, now Doctor, Terry Lee Lakin who was court-martialed and sentenced to Fort Leavenworth military prison for requesting authentication—as was his duty congruent with the officer's oath he had taken to serve—that his purported "commander-in-chief," Barack Obama, did in fact legally occupy said position; and re-instate the brilliant surgeon with full back pay and restoration of his honor as a Lt. Col. in the US Army.

All those complicit in the most sinister crime committed against the American people—for our government is, despite Mister Obama's best efforts, still 'of the people, by the people, and for the people'—and against the Constitution of the United States of America must be brought to justice.

Only by addressing the crime of many centuries, Mister Obama's criminal usurpation of the presidency, may 'We the People' restore honor unto the office of the president of the United States.

If our constitutional right to redress of our grievances continues to be denied by those complicit in the conspiracy to contravene the Constitution and the criminal usurpation of the presidency, this American citizen sees only one other option before 'We the People' will be justified in picking up arms against the criminals complicit in the conspiracy to contravene the Constitution who themselves are guilty of misprision of treason for their part in facilitating the criminal usurpation of the presidency.

Should the 'Manchurian' Muslim from Mombasa not be stopped in the commission of the most sinister crime against the American experiment in 'government of the People' in America's history, 'We the People' who would defend the Constitution and the American way of life must determine to elect a constitutionally legal president in 2016.

At every turn in the 2014 elections we must demand a response from prospective congressional candidates to the following question:

'If you are elected to Congress will you support the next legal sitting president should he or she order a military tribunal and/or a congressional commission to investigate within its congressional 'informing function' the criminal usurpation of the presidency by a constitutionally ineligible candidate who has perpetrated fraud against 'We the People' and our Constitution when he fraudulently represented himself as eligible to be president while knowingly not so and has presented a multitude of forged documents in a cover-up conspiracy that dwarfs the Watergate scandal in comparison?

At every step along the way of the 2016 presidential election we must demand that any Republican, Independent, Libertarian, or Constitution Party presidential/vice-presidential hopeful answer—not evade—the following questions:

'If elected president will you sign and Executive Order for a Congressional Commission to investigate within Congress' 'informing function,' or in your capacity as commander-in-chief order a Military Tribunal to investigate in order to address the grievance that those Americans who would preserve and protect the Constitution have expressed for these last eight years and continue to express, the criminal usurpation of the presidency by an ineligible candidate who fraudulently represented himself in two presidential elections as constitutionally eligible to be president while knowingly not so?

'And if the investigation by a congressional commission and/or military tribunal should determine that a conspiracy to contravene the Constitution has transpire and that Mister Obama, or whatever his legal name should be, did criminally usurp the office of the president, will you, by Executive Order and/or military order RETROACTIVELY ABROGATE the two unconstitutional elections of the fraud and impostor, Mister Barry Soetoro, a.k.a. Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., a.k.a. Harrison J. Bounel, a.k.a. Soebarkah and RETROACTIVELY ABROGATE everything that he accomplished while in the commission of his crimes against America including the illegal appointment of two individuals while in the commission of his crimes to the Supreme Court of the United States of America?'

Should Mr. Obama's unconstitutional elections as well as everything that his illegitimate administrations have accomplished while complicit in the criminal usurpation of the presidency and conspiracy to contravene the Constitution not be retroactively abrogated then Patriotic American citizens may have to establish a "New Guard" for the Constitution and American Liberty.

By Christopher T. Farrell

Send to:  MCSO
              Attn. Cold Case Posse
              P. O. Box 74374
              Phoenix, AZ

            I, the undersigned American citizen, demand that the unconstitutional election of an ineligible candidate, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama Jr., also known as Barry Soetoro, Harrison J. Bounel, and Soebarkah, who knowingly and fraudulently represented himself as eligible to campaign for the office of the President of the United States in two presidential elections, and has presented 'We the People' with forged documents including birth certificates and a Selective Service Registration Card in a conspiratorial cover-up of his sinister contravention of the Constitution, and has used fraudulent Social Security numbers, be retroactively abrogated forthwith along with all that his illegitimate administration has illegally accomplished while complicit in the unparalleled crime of the unconstitutional usurpation of the United States presidency including the illegal appointment of two individuals to the United States Supreme Court.

Name: ______________________
Address: ____________________
e-mail: ______________________
Signature: ____________________
Date: _____/______/2013

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