Zev Porat

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Big Sis NOW admits Saudi on terror watch list


In a hearing last week, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano angrily dismissed an inquiry by a congressman about a Saudi national who was questioned by authorities in the aftermath of the Boston bombing as "not worthy of an answer," but she admitted in a Senate hearing this week the man was on a terror watch list.

Napolitano, however, still has not responded to a request by the lawmaker she indignantly brushed off last week, Rep. Jeff Duncan, R-S.C., for a classified briefing on

Duncan told WND Wednesday he is still pursuing the request and "will leave no stones unturned" in the investigation of Alharbi, whose unusual handling by authorities was reported last week by WND.

"Any time a member of Congress is asking a question on behalf of the American people, that question is worthy of a response," Duncan told WND after Napolitano's admission in the Senate hearing Tuesday appeared to justify his concern about the Saudi.


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