Saturday, April 27, 2013

Bill Maher slams Boston police state!

Bill Maher called Boston police officers "unprofessional" on Friday for shooting at the boat where Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was hiding even though it turned out he was unarmed.

"I agree that we shouldn't have given the kid his Miranda rights because he probably had information. We wanted to take him alive. We all agree with that.… there could've been bombs out there, there could've been an accomplice. So we wanted to take him alive. If you agree with that then what the cops did there was unprofessional. That's called contagious fire," Maher said on HBO's "Real Time."

According to reports, no gun was found inside the boat after Tsarnaev was captured, although the Boston Police commissioner had earlier said that cops had exchanged fire with the suspect.

Bill Maher is pictured. | AP Photo

Maher also said that America is becoming a "police state."

"I want to talk about the police, who I am a supporter of… Look at this, I mean if this is what you have – why don't you invade a country? …. I mean go up to Canada – take their oil… This country is becoming a police state. And it is very troubling to me," Maher said, while showing pictures of police officers patrolling the city and searching for Tsarnaev.

Tsarnaev, 19, and his older brother Tamerlan, 26, are accused of being behind the bombings. Tamerlan was killed last week during a police pursuit of the two brothers.

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