Friday, April 12, 2013

Bomb sent to 'America's toughest sheriff' Joe Arpaio

An explosive device sent to "America's toughest sheriff" was intercepted by police in Arizona on Thursday, officials said.

A suspicious package addressed to Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's downtown Phoenix headquarters was X-rayed by officers in Flagstaff, Ariz., according to authorities.

A bomb team later destroyed the device.
The FBI, U.S. Postal Inspection Service and Flagstaff Police were investigating.

Arpaio, 80, has earned headlines nationwide as a result of his tent city jail and immigration roundups, as well as his Cold Case Posse investigation of Obama's fraudulent Birth Certificate posted on the White House website. That investigation is still underway with many recent announcements of real progress in moving it to a possible prosecution level. The PPSIMMONS Youtube channel and Facebook page along with the popular Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups radio show has reported on this matter extensively. You can go to and click on the podcast link at the top of the page and listen to all the segments with Lt. Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups. Zullo is Arpaio's lead investigator in the Obama Fraud Case.

The controversial lawman was re-elected for his sixth term in November.


1 comment:

  1. The main stream news outlet which is linked to the short introduction to this story headlined at,, doesn't even bring up the most pertinent recent activity of the heroic Sheriff Joe Arpaio: his leadership behind the volunteer Cold Case Posse's investigation into the eligibility/ineligibility questions surrounding Mister Barack Hussein Osama.
    Keeping in mind that-- "That investigation is still underway with many recent announcements of real progress in moving it to a possible prosecution level."-- consider the magnitude of the deliberate dereliction of duty, the disregard for any professional code of ethics, on the part of America's purported 'Fourth Estate,' journalists who have historically assumed the important responsibility of holding all public figures accountable for their actions but who now behave as if they are the official state propaganda agency tasked with publicizing their 'lord and savior' (to use Jamie Foxx's words), Mister 'Bath House' Barry Soetoro--the fraud-in-chief--as impervious to imperfection--as a Liberal-socialist superior being construct reflective of what Frederic Bastiat had described in his landmark work 'The Law' as 'Superhuman' and 'Legislative Leader.'
    Thanks to God Almighty, the risen Lord Jesus Christ who came in the flesh and even now is seated at the right hand of God the Father until the time when He will come again that Sheriff Joe Arpaio was not injured in this attempt on his life.
    When I was at the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office for the preliminary release of the findings of the Cold Case Posse there were a few protesters outside. Though I was there as an aspiring journalist to cover the event I encountered a group of protesters out in front of the property when I was leaving. Though Sheriff Joe has Liberal-socialist enemies who certainly wish nothing but that harm should befall him, my personal inclination regarding just who made this attempt on the Sheriff is that it was an amateurs attempt at collecting the reward which Mexican Drug Cartels had put out on the Sheriff's life. If Obama had wanted to call in a hit on the Sheriff's life he has the resources of professionals who could have made a Breitbart-like "accident" occur on queue.It was at the March 1st Preliminary release of the findings of the volunteer Cold Case Posse where Mr. Breitbart's untimely death was announced having just happened. He had only hours earlier spoken with Sheriff Joe concerning the explosive news he was about to release regarding the criminal usurper presently illegally occupying the Oval Office, the 'Empty Chair.'
    As Pastor Carl Gallups and lead detective of the volunteer Cold Case Posse approach the release of their soon to be released shocking revelations that will push the investigation of Mr. Bounel, Harrison J. to the 'prosecution level' may we expect more "packages" to be delivered by "courier," "air mail" (read drone), or even "express overnight delivery?"
    We love you Sheriff Joe. All God's richest blessings to you and yours and all the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept.
    Hope I can be in the courtroom as a reporter when you testify of the evidence that takes down the 'Manchurian' Muslim from Mombasa. ctfarrell, News Reporter.
