Saturday, April 6, 2013

Did Obama disinformation operative call Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups to plug anti-birther book?

PPSIMMONS is receiving reports that caller named 'Fred' who called Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups Friday April 5 was none other than Professor Richard C. Rockwell of the University of CT.

He is a PhD sociologist who specializes in disinformation techniques and social engineering tactics.

Sources told PPSIMMONS that Rockwell (aka Fred) is a host on 'Reality Check Radio' and a hero to the Obama supporters at the 'Fogbow' website which claims to be the leading 'debunkers' of the Arpaio investigation.

Following are screen shots from the Fogbow chat forum.

Notice the writers in the forum claim Zullo refused to look at the book. Yet Zullo himself said he got a copy of the book in question and did the research outlined in the book, none of which proved to be useful and was easily refuted by sound investigation techniques. Hear the interview audio below.

(Note: PPSIMMONS has not 100% confirmed this caller 'Fred' was in fact Professor Richard C. Rockwell of the University of CT.)


  1. we KNOW they listen! we KNOW they are SCARED!! makes perfect sense!! oh, but wait a minute, i just used SOUND LOGIC to figure something out, guess im just another tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist!! THESE PEOPLE ARE A JOKE!!

  2. found out I was blocked from posting. I PRAY LT ZULLO OR SOMEONE ELSE CAN GET THE KANSAS RECORDS. Any word yet, if Eric Holder has s assigned a special prosecuto, on the SSN allegations of fraud/ Its required. now that Orly Taitz filed the formal criminal compliant with SSA did he, knowingly use a false SSN on his ballot access applications and for US Senate in 2004? It seems that's the prove-able case and since he's a high level office, OIG would not handle this but send it to US JUSTICE DEPT. The fake bio form Hawaii was in place by fall of 83. I think the notice of birth got called to the Courthouse and got in the paper and and notice of birth issued, but the certified one would have been filed when paper one arrived from the Hospital. If it never did? SSA has lists of suspect documents ad Hawaii was known for 'problems before they got the law s changed after his birth.
    Tut, his grandmother was a 'difficult woman which I;ve written about causing many estrangement problems in our extended family. I;m after truth and justice wherever it leads and there has been no justice for three dead in the Kansas river 50+ years ago and one is 99% sure his real father and whom he should be asking for justice for, not me who just knew him as a classmate of mine who knew all the old Hyman's by heart and sang them with a magnificent voice back when such things were allowed in our public schools.Any one in Kansas please help by checking your library and speaking to any that might have Capper Jr HS records form 58-60/ I can;t believe that 9 months later none has helped on this to follow through and check, I don't live in Kansas. Lt Zullo is correct nothing bout what is out there hods water and I know for sure much of it is false, but Did he know and when did he know it? And his handlers will never let him know who did the Hawaii B?C check. Topeka Capital Journal for marriage to Obama Sr @6/61. birth , at Forbes air force base hospital 8/61 under Mr and Mrs Barack Obama , baby boy and then before 6/62 the articles)Death would have been before 4/2/61 when Mom and I went to Fred Phelps at Westboro Baptist to get the gdns hp papers signed over on his mother form him and I;d seen his Dad alive at the music festival back in 3/61 when westboro Baptist continued egging on the gossip frenzy against him for his white girlfriend and turned on me Since Ann was using the name Dunham whihc her Dad had stolen that id to go to wwII , i had no idea she was my second cousin but because I would not participate. of the three bodies washing up on s and bar in the Kansas river one with a rope around this neck (and the whole state of Kansas knew and other papers may have the articles. and the names are in there. Last year had called the Toepka Capital journal and the editor would not let her reporters check ther archives. WHY? Believe the e witness and help get the documents Lt Zullo had asked me aobut the unpregnant girl in summer of 61 in Hawaii and I posted on flickr photostream pictures of my cousins from the time who do look similar and ask was one of them the girl seen as Ann was very much pregnant. Eyewitnesses are really being shunned on this and few are any on where on line, but have tracked down a few and what they now may not be fully the whole but is enough to confirm things. I don;t now the full life bio and t difficult to have to do this even on a third cousin but the whole truth has to come out and get this over with one way or the other. He is eleigible to be president, but the main media had this info and never confronted him and they did everyone a disservice, even POTUS as he still may not know the truth and have advisors around him who do and lying to him about this and what else.? They must never have shown him my e mails. Linda Joy Adams

  3. Sorry for the typ by Fall of 1963, the fake bio was in place.

  4. "Notice the writers in the forum claim Zullo refused to look at the book. Yet Zullo himself said he got a copy of the book in question and did the research outlined in the book, none of which proved to be useful and was easily refuted by sound investigation techniques."

    Does Zullo have any experience in digital forensic analysis? I have never heard that he had any such experience. Perhaps you mean that he had members of the CCP do the examination of John Woodman's analysis? If so, can you be more specific about exactly what points of JW's analysis the CCP team was capable of refuting. Can Zullo perhaps release the research they had done that debunks any of Woodman's claims?

    Listening to the audio of the radio show, I am a little disturbed by Zullo's reaction to John Woodman. He resorted to name calling by refering to John Woodman as a "defunct entrepeneur," and made claims about the analysis being debunked and refuted by him, without providing any specifics. He seemed to be rather agitated, perhaps by the caller calling him a "liar," but his response to the question, that he insisted on answering, really seemed to be more personal attacks on John Woodman and his research rather than an unbiased and logical response to the question.

    I was also disturbed by the hosts comment about not trusting someone who is trying to sell a book. Jerome Corsi has sold several books on the subject and was very involved with the CCP investigation. Mara Zebest who provided analysis for his last book before the long form birth certificate was released, was also very involved with the CCP and wrote the CCP's final report that was released during the first Press conference. Corsi and Zullo together have sold that report through the WND press. Should we not apply the same logic of "not trusting someone who is trying to sell a book," to Zullo?

    I have found that disinformation occurs on both sides of the eligibility argument. As someone who prefers to research both sides of an argument, I have learned that in the case of Zullo and the CCP's connections to Jerome Corsi and WND, that the prudent course is "trust but verify." Without a detailed analysis refuting Woodman's claims, I see no reason to discount his own detailed analysis as a reasonable argument to the CCP findings.

    1. Hi Richard, After reading your comments, I felt a need to reinforce the most important point with regard to your excellent posit, "who is worthy of trust". Please, never forget, disregarding Mr. Zullo, Mr. Corsi and Mr. Woodman, all of whom are essentially distant and remote sub-characters to the prime suspect in all of this.

      Remember, it is perhaps the most prolific politician in modern history who has brought upon his own identity tremendous doubt and lack of trust. THAT is the most important conclusion that we ALL agree on. Only lunatics fail to receive this as fact and truth. There should be no doubt among any human being about the legitimacy of any American president...ever! Even his most rabid political enemies should never be allow the hint of suggestion of usurpation.

      Unfortunately, Obama's failure to present superior credentials, and thereby inviting disrepute upon himself and his family, has opened the door all forms of scrutiny and accusations of illegitimacy. What do I base this statement upon? Those who doubt the common narrative about Obama's identity have the ability to elicit response from even the most staunch Obama supporter. That the evidence at hand even has the power to force rebuttal from anyone is an indication that there is a problem with the man, otherwise the only reasonable reaction required would be silence.

      Think of it this way. The dog who yelps is the one who gets hit the hardest. There's a lot of yelping from Obama's minions in reaction to the "crazy" rocks being thrown by so-called birthers. Why? If they are crazy, why are people responding in defense of Obama? Does Obama now need to be protected from conspiracy theorists? Seems to me, if he was legitimate, silence is the most effective response. Period. If confidence in Obama's integrity and documented history was unassailable, then no one would ever have a need to react to challenges from Obama doubters. However, the reason "pushback" exists is because WE ALL know, in the deepest recesses of our consciousness, that this man is lying about his identity for political reasons. This disturbs his opposition to the point of "birtherism" and it disturbs his supporters to the point of "Obotism". My appeal is for common sense. No man with truly superior character would have ever endorsed a digital image of a vital record without the immediate in-person verification of the highest official of the municipality who issued it. If Obama's identity were valid, he would have brought an army of Hawaiian officials in support of an anonymous consensus among the American people. This did not happen.

    2. "No man with truly superior character would have ever endorsed a digital image of a vital record without the immediate in-person verification of the highest official of the municipality who issued it. If Obama's identity were valid, he would have brought an army of Hawaiian officials in support of an anonymous consensus among the American people."

      Absolute and utter nonsense. Name one single President in history who has ever had to go to such lengths. Just one. We only have to go back as far as the last election to show that silence on the part of the "birther" movement is reserved only for those who oppose Obama.

      During the last election campaign, Romney released a "short form birth certificate," that was a xerox copy. It did not list a hospital, it did not list an attending physician, had not even a hint of a seal, and was shown to have the word "void" over the whole document. It was not an original. It was not a long form. It was not even a valid document as it was a xerox copy of a document. And the response from the eligiblity crowd was one of complete and total silence. Not even so much as a whisper about its authenticity.

      No one asked Romney to present "in-person" the "highest official of the municipality who issued it," to verify its authenticity. He was not asked to bring "an army" of State officials in support of an "anonymous consensus."

      And don't say that his citizenship was not in question, because if it was not, then why did he feel compelled to release the document at all?

      You said, "There should be no doubt among any human being about the legitimacy of any American president...ever! Even his most rabid political enemies should never be allow the hint of suggestion of usurpation."

      The problem is, there will always be doubters. Always. No President should have to jump through hoops to prove every little detail asked of them by every person who has a lingering doubt. Doubters will never be saitisfied and constantly move the goal posts to find another reason to doubt.

  5. Has the CCP interviewed recognized computer experts?

    Dr. Neal Krawetz, a computer forensic expert with a PhD in computer science from the University of Texas, says he sees nothing suspicious in the White House PDF.

    Or Professor de Queiroz, an internationally recognized imaging expert. He also said he sees evidence of compression (mixed raster content) and not of forgery.

  6. "Has the CCP interviewed recognized computer experts?" Yes - stay tuned!
