Thursday, April 25, 2013

Fourth Grader's 'Essay' in support of 'gay' Marriage shows the depth of harm modern schooling is doing to our children

It has gained national praise in the liberal media. The poorly written 'essay' spouting off cliche'd reasons why two same-sex 'grown ups' must be allowed to marry exemplifies the tragic state of affairs in the American school system.

The student and teacher have chosen to remain anonymous.  The teacher was so impressed that he posted it on Reddit on Wednesday, saying that the student shows "More sense than some adults."

However, upon deeper examination it is easily discovered that the 'sense' portrayed in the essay falls more easily in the 'non' category. 

The reasoning follows that the two adults are 'grown' and it doesn't matter if it 'creeps you out.' Classic straw man. No one arguing against same-sex marriage is using the 'it creeps me out' defense. And the reasons are many. 

'We should be happy for them' the author goes on. And yet the statistics give us every reason to not be happy for them but rather to reach out to them in love and compassion and compel them to stop, if not for their own sake, then for the sake of society as a whole.

The writer then goes on to equate same-sex marriage with his grandparents' wedding, an obvious display of the symptoms related to drinking excess amounts of liberal koolaid. The essay is unclear if the grandparents were homosexual but we know this much - at one point there was heterosexual activity going on or else little 'Johnny' here wouldn't even exist!

Finally we are told that with all his wisdom we should now 'see' that 'gay' people should be allowed to get married and we shouldn't judge other people's lives. Well... let's just hope these words of 'wisdom' don't make it to the ears of all those poor people incarcerated in America's gated communities because some meaner with a black gown and gavel 'judged' them to be unfit for society. After all, what right right do we have to judge anybody?

Let's face it here folks. Just as Madalyn Murray O'Hare's son grew up and got a reality check this person will likely get one also. What is most troubling about this entire ordeal is the rank stupidity of the adults. 

The teacher:

"I'm not sharing this because of how perfect the sentences are," his teacher added, "but because of how clear his thought process is on this specific issue."

If the teacher considers the thought process in that essay to be 'clear' then that is the real story here. The indictment is against the adults guiding this young person. Shame on them.

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