Sunday, April 7, 2013

Gay 'marriage’ advances in Illinois

The future of the homosexual "marriage" bill now advancing from the Illinois Senate to the House will be decided later this month. One of the concerns is the protection of people of faith who oppose such unions.

In a Valentine's Day vote, the Illinois Senate approved and sent to the House a "gay marriage" bill. The 34-21 vote on Thursday came after emotional debate saying homosexuals deserve equality through marriage.

Smith, David (IFI)David E. Smith of the Illinois Family Institute tells OneNewsNow that homosexual marriage is not equal.

"That's not to say that homosexual people are not equal -- I'm saying that the relationship is not equal; they are two different things," Smith shares. "God-ordained marriage between one man and one woman has the potential for procreation. Homosexual unions have none -- zero."

Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, which is based in Illinois, laments the influence of the radical homosexual agenda in his state.

"I mean, I thought I was living in the land of Lincoln -- but it looks like I'm living in the land of San Francisco," says the family advocate. "This is a reckless vote. The pro-family movement understood that the main battle is going to be in the House. We hope we can turn it back. We've got a big lobby day coming up, but this shows the power of the gay lobby in Illinois ... and it's a very sad day for this state."

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