Zev Porat

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Ground Zero Mosque Developer Buys Adjacent Building for $8 Million | Creeping Sharia

Subject: Ground Zero Mosque Developer Buys Adjacent Building for $8 Million | Creeping Sharia

Michael D. Shoesmith
Social Networking Director
Ministry Coordinator

1 comment:

  1. The piece of one of the Jets found wedged between the building that the Muslims have been trying to make into a victory mosque celebrating the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers in New York had a rope around it in preparation for extraction yet no authorities were notified of the discovery of the wreckage.

    The obvious question is who would have wanted to salvage the memorablia without notifying authorities of the find.

    The Muslims intent on making a victory mosque on the property were no doubt intending to raise the part of the plane as a commemorative relic to admire during their worship services/jihadist indoctrination ceremonies and as a motivational remembrance to inspire future jihadists.

    Somebody was trying to raise the piece and they chose to not notify anyone. Why? Only one scenario makes any sense. We are talking about a piece of one of the planes which were used in the attack on 9/11 found alongside the building which the Muslims have been fighting to establish a victory mosque.

    Because they didn't want anyone to interfere with the recovery of the symbol of the successful jihadist attack that is celebrated across the Islamic world.

    The piece of the plane would have been lifted into the victory mosque if the mosque's construction had gone forward; they were just waiting for the cranes that would be needed to pull the piece out of the position it was stuck in to be installed during renovation/construction of the planned victory mosque.

    The piece of the plane would have become a celebratory memorial inside the victory mosque.
