Thursday, April 25, 2013

IT BEGINS! Pentagon Blocks Access to Southern Baptist Website!

By Todd Starnes
The U.S. Military has blocked access to the Southern Baptist Convention's website on an unknown number of military bases because it contains "hostile content" — just weeks after an Army briefing labeled Evangelical Christians and Roman Catholics as examples of religious extremism, Fox News has learned.
The Southern Baptist Convention is the nation's largest Protestant denomination known for its support of the pro-life movement and its strong belief in traditional marriage.
Southern Baptist chaplains reported that had been blocked at military installations around the nation. An Air Force officer told Fox News that when he tried to log on to the website he received a message that his Internet usage was being logged and monitored for trying to access a blocked site.

Michael D. Shoesmith
Social Networking Director
Ministry Coordinator

1 comment:

  1. My daughter just told me this week that they are now not allowed to post anything about Obama on their social network pages! our military is getting screwed over by the government, they have NO rights any more and apparently the Constitution doesn't include them. soon we will have no one willing to serve to protect us!
