Saturday, April 6, 2013

IT'S OVER! Arpaio Investigation Team Finds Obama Birth Certificate a 100% FRAUD! DEFINITIVE PLAN UNDERWAY to BRING TO A FULL HEARING! Here's the FULL Interview With Lead Investigator Mike Zullo on Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups



  1. So what are you going to do now? How is this going to be used? Can we actually get him OUT of the white house with all his cronies protecting him?

    1. If you will listen to the entire show you will hear what is being done. MUCH is being done and you will be hearing about it within a few months. Please listen to the show.

    2. We don't have months! Scenario: What if the narcissist, though often paranoid sociopath (Barry Soetoro aka Obama) putative "president" decides his balance of time is threatened? What if The Powers That Be decide that it would be best to politely (or not so politely) NUDGE one of the more elderly middle of the road SCOTUS Justices out so that Mr. Soetoro can impose another even more liberal/socialist justice on the Court?? Think any case will get heard up there THEN? Not a snowballs chance in heII !

  2. had to reenter my previous comment ...@Jackie ...nothing , ITS NOT, nope .... @ Prosperous ...yaaaa riiiight ...sorry to be so cynical, but this is totally false...if this "investigation " has any weight, which it doesnt, it still will amount to NAUGHT...

    1. @John Leavitt, prove it's totally false. Carl has been asking for years for someone to come forward with proof. So why don't you? Because you can't. All you do is spout off at the mouth.

    2. John, it is hard to believe. If you do the search yourself, you'll find this information is correct. Instead of saying it's false, tell us how you would disprove what they're saying. You can't. I've tried.

    3. I don't argue with idiots. Investigator Zullo has been investigating this for 15+ months. He has proof. Having studied 10's of 1000's of pages on Barry Soetoro myself for the past 5 yrs I concluded long ago he was never born in Hawaii-now the evidence has come forth. John needs to learn how to read and listen and brush up on his english & spelling. Typical Liberal who can't get his mind wrapped around facts.

  3. I want to know why this has taken so long to deal with. The guy has just been reelected and going on 5 years as our president. Why was this not dealt with the first year he was in office as our president? I am just astounded by this.

    1. If you don't know the answer to that you haven't been paying attention! The Liberal media who has been Barry Soetoro's (aka Barack Obama) propaganda machine not to mention the huge network of very rich people in high places who pull the strings have not ever broadcast ed anything about the many lawsuit's that have taken place over these years- they have simply ignored them. Unless people took the time as I did to dig & dig very deep you would not be privy to anything that has been happening. I fail to see why you are 'astounded' - I am a Canadian not even an American & studied 10's of 1000's of pages over the past five years & when I told people about what I discovered ... they were astounded & told me not to believe everything I read on the internet. For example when one goes to the Illinois Bar Website & discovered that both Obama's 'surrendered' their Law Licenses never to be able to practice Law again (which is a reputable web site) - that is legitimate. One has to recognize two things: The White House threatened the media & people - Liberals screamed & yelled Racism.... don't kid yourself everybody in Washington knew he wasn't eligible Hillary campaigned on it & was told to 'shut up' which she did! Black America would have rioted in the streets had the first 'black' President not taken the office - this is the biggest fraud on the planet & so far he has gotten away with it - I believe you will wake up & discover the man has been a prolific brazen liar & led the sheep down the garden path. Many people will be indicted over this just as they were with Nixon. I know because I watched the entire Nixon fiasco on TV all one summer. You will be even more astounded when they led him out of the WH in hand cuffs!

    2. It will never happen - would that it would! But there is such a fear of the label 'racist' that people are afraid to do anything that will paste that label on them. I think it is so stupid to honor or hate someone only because of the color of their skin or their cultural background. He was elected because of the color of his skin, he was re-elected for the same reason. Some people seem to not see beyond that. If a caucasian person - or someone perceived as caucasian - had done all that has been done since he came into office this would never have gone on as long as it has - it WOULD have been Nixon all over again.

  4. Americans deserve to know this as soon as possible, the ones that have been in denial especially. This information should be sent to all of the news stations in the U.S. and Congress & appropriate action taken immediately. This information should be PUBLICIZED EVERYWHERE!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It won't be publicized. The Liberal Media will make sure of it. Low information, ill-informed, uneducated people who have followed the Obama cult will not believe anything. They can't get their mind wrapped around facts. Too busy watching Dancing With the Stars & the sound bites from the lame-stream media! The only time it will be publicized is when he finally is in handcuffs. What you need to do is shut it from the roof-tops, talk to people, blog & go through the social media like I have - with over 2000 people on FB & 1000 on YT!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Where are/have been the Christian conservatives in the house who can bring articles of impeachment???
    Are they all RINOs?
    This Indonesian, criminal, alien, fraud POTUS is destroying the United States of America!!!
    To top it BHO (Barry Soetoro) is fomenting racial discord, establishing his militia (DHS fully armed and armored), set up concentration camps FOR American citizens around the country and is sending hundreds of millions of American dollars to our avowed enemies, Palestinians and Muslim Brotherhood (Egypt). BHO has ceded powers of our sovereign nation to the one world order UN by attacking libya under the direction of the UN, and voting for gun controls in violation of the Constitution. DID BHO actually watch the rape and murder of Americans in Benghazi and order rescuers to "STAND DOWN"??? Time for a TEA Party!!! Patriots rally 'round the Liberty Tree!!!
    "One Nation Under God"
    "In God We Trust"
    Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition...

    1. Well informed people know all this. Right now they are working on the document forgery/fraud which is an idictable offence. There is also things happening behind the scenes concerning Benghazi & the cover-up there. There has been an impeachment bill introduced already by Walter Jones of SC. You need to understand that everything has to go to the Senate- do you think for one NY second Harry Reid would push this through the Senate???? Check out & listen to their videos they have been pushing people in the GOP in Washington on the Benghazi issue. They regularly post videos on this.

    2. Sheree-43 - Nice comments by you, I've been reading.

      Regarding this comment of yours; it reminded me of a reply answer I gave someone on my site. Here, it is:

      ...........I do agree with the scenario you reference. You say:

      >>>>>>> …… if impeachment happened, (in the House), what the Senate might do or not do would be moot because the process of impeachment would reveal the full scope of the biggest fraud in history and massive arrest would be made, negating the importance of whatever the Senate might or might do about convicting Obama…….. >>>>>>>>>

      Yes, such an attempted impeachment action would do more to expose the rotten political nature and activity of umpteen Washington politicians!...........

  7. Christian Conservatives? They proved their worth the last election. They are irrelevant.

    This fraud will be dealt with with new tactics from the new conservatives.

    1. Brian -

      I sense that your conclusion has merit. And, I sense that these "new tactics" have already begun. Look how Col. Allen West has been exposed for his cowardice:

      "Col. Allen West’s political sin of omission against America:"

      I say: "Damn the traditional cat calling lib torpedoes! Full speed ahead!

      The Obama fraud has been now definitively and legally investigated and his birth certificate document publicly and duly declared a forgery. The Obama enablers - those "conspiracy carnival barkers of silence" over Obama's forged White House requirement credential, have no where to hide - and, no credibility.

      "Obama’s birth certificate documentation now publicly declared a forgery by the legal Sheriff Arpaio Investigation:"

  8. I think the first to be arrested AFTER Obama is Nancy Piglosi and Howeird Reid

  9. The ones who organised obama becoming president will try every angle to crush the truth being revealed,
    i pray the Lord keeps the researcher safe.

  10. PLEASE lt. Mike, sheriff Arpaio, bring this imposter DOWN.

  11. This here and in another article:, is all about making money, not about really prosecuting obummer for criminal acts. IF (and for only two little letters "if" is a mighty powerful word) obummer really has been involved in forgery, in false use of a SS number, in a false Selective Service registration, AND IF the Arpaio (who's corrupt himself) has "PROOF" of this, then why hasn't Arpaio been before a grand jury presenting this evidence? Because he's as much a fraud as obummer. He and his buds, keep putting out stories in the press, but never do anything legal about it. In fact, the very article above is proof this is just a plea for more money from the gullible masses:

    "Such an endeavor is more than worthy of monetary contributions to follow-through with what was once initiated. You the reader and supporter of our Constitutional Republic; please consider a gift of support for the volunteer Sheriff Arpaio Cold Case Posse team. Give what you can."

    Why more money from the people? Go and call a grand jury and present the evidence; get an indictment and call for obummer's arrest the next time he steps foot in Arizona, or better, once an indictment has been obtained (assuming the validity of their evidence), file for obummer's extradition to Arizona as a wanted man. But no-o-o-o. That won't happen because Arpaio and company are more interested in milking the cash cow.
    To Be Cont.

  12. I listened to the caller’s question about why this hasn’t been presented to a grand jury, and Mr. Zullu danced around it talking about a “civilian grand jury” that would mostly “symbolic” and so, not worth the effort. Puh-leeze. That is a load of hokum for the uninformed masses. I am a former Arizona resident who is also familiar with Arizona law. Following are selections from the Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) and Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure. The Law requires the issuance of an arrest warrant for anyone indicted by a Grand Jury on a criminal offense.
    Arizona Revised Statutes: Title 21
    21-401. Definitions
    2. “Grand jury” means a body of the required number of qualified persons who are duly convened and impanelled by the presiding judge of the superior court and who are sworn to inquire into public offenses that may be tried within the county, including corrupt or willful misconduct in office of public officials within the county.
    3. “Indictment” means an accusatory statement that is in writing, that is presented by the grand jury to the superior court and that charges the commission of a public offense that may be tried within the county.
    21-407. Duties of grand jurors
    A. The grand jurors shall inquire into every offense which may be tried within the county which is presented to them by the county attorney or other prosecuting officer at the request of the county attorney, or by the attorney general as a special prosecutor appointed by the presiding judge of the superior court for the purpose of proceedings under section 21-408, subsection B, or section 38-344, and shall have access to all jails, public institutions, and public records.
    B. If a grand juror knows of or has reason to believe that an offense which may be tried within the county has been committed he shall report such knowledge or belief to the county attorney or to the presiding judge of the superior court. If an investigation of such alleged offense is undertaken under a charge to the grand jury as provided in subsection B of section 21-409, the grand juror may be sworn as a witness.
    21-413. Indictment upon probable cause
    The grand jury shall return an indictment charging the person under investigation with the commission of a public offense if, from all the evidence taken together, it is convinced that there is probable cause to believe the person under investigation is guilty of such public offense.

    To Be Cont.

  13. Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedures

    Rule 12.26. Return of indictment

    Indictments shall be returned in open court by the foreman in the presence of the State Grand Jury and the Attorney General or the Attorney General’s designee. The Assignment Judge or court commissioner, upon motion of the Attorney General or the Attorney General’s designee, shall direct that an indictment be kept secret until the defendant is in custody or has given bail, and in that event the Clerk of the Superior Court in which the Assignment Judge or court commissioner is serving shall seal the indictment, and no person shall disclose the finding of the indictment except when necessary for the issuance and execution of a warrant or summons.

    Rule 13.1. Definitions; timeliness

    a. Indictment. An indictment is a written statement charging the commission of a public offense, presented to the court by a grand jury, endorsed a “true bill” and signed by the foreman.
    b. Information. An information is a written statement charging the commission of a public offense, signed and presented to the court by the prosecutor.
    c. Timeliness. An information shall be filed in Superior Court within 10 days after the determination of probable cause or the defendant’s waiver of a preliminary hearing. Failure to file a timely information shall be grounds for dismissal of the prosecution on motion of the defendant under Rule 16.7(b). Such dismissal shall be without prejudice except that if the prosecution is refiled, the time limits under Rule 8.2 shall be computed from the initial appearance on the original complaint.

    Rule 3.1. Issuance of warrant or summons

    a. Issuance. Upon presentment of an indictment, or on a finding of probable cause made pursuant to Rule 2.4(a), the court shall promptly issue a warrant or summons, or a notice of supervening indictment under Rule 12.7(c). Upon presentment of a complaint signed by a prosecutor, the court shall promptly issue a summons or notice of supervening indictment under Rule 12.7(c) or, after a finding of probable cause, issue a warrant.

    Pastor, I say this in all respect to you as a man of God, if you or I or anybody else had done what obummer has done (and I believe he’s guilty as sin), we would have been indicted, tried, and in prison by now. I know about Sheriff Joe Arpaio, as a former Maricopa County resident, he is as corrupt as the criminals in his jails. The man is a manipulative, publicity hound, for whom the laws do not apply, neither to himself or his friends.

    Right now, I’m listening to Zulu say, “I have the evidence, the undeniable evidence…” Fine, present it to the Grand Jury, get an indictment and then an arrest warrant. Quit dancing around the issue.

    1. Michael -

      If you were Mike Zullo and Sheriff Arpaio, you would be doing exactly what they are doing. Think about it. There is allot you don't know at this point. I wonder if you'd be fit and worthy to walk a mile in their shoes........

  14. The media needs to brought down along with the President.

  15. Thank you Carl Gallups, for your efforts and persistence.

  16. The Obama administration has done the same with Benghazi like they have done on the questions of Obama's eligibility for president...ignore specific questions, present inaccurate or false information, implement the ridicule factor, use the passing of time to 'lessen' the interest of people inquiries, deflect by using the Republican party as the reason for the sequester and using sequester scare tactics for their political gain, using inflated racism by their opposing parties for their failures to accomplish Obama's agenda, etc.
    The one in control of this outcome is Jesus Christ and the truth will manifest in HIS time.

  17. Excuse my ignorance...but who will take o's place.? I hope it's not- "oh no not Joe" ! And what happens to ALL those in our branches of gov't who knew the truth about o ?

    1. That's an excellent question about who would take Obama's place if Obama is found guilty in a court of law. No one in Obama's administration that he selected should be legitimate either,therefore Romney should step in as president, and have his own choice of who will serve in his administration. This is going to be a bitter aftertaste if Obama is booted out as president because all the orders given to the troops and any other decisions he has signed will cause an uproar on both sides of the political arena and this is why they don't want his ineligibility proven in court and because there will most likely be numerous people taking the stand and questioned about what they knew concerning Obama's past. In other words, a can of worms will come crawling out in full force.

    2. Ron Paul Not Romney you pea brain get a grip !~~!

  18. PPSIMMONS..Please add World to your list of SHARES. Hands down to Face Book. Maybe you should check it out and share your videos.

  19. Someone just tried to send a mail bomb to Arapio. it was intercepted somewhere in Northern AZ. interesting coincidence?

  20. Obviously Arpaio is too close to the Truth and that's why you start getting death threats and such. I know cause I am former law enforcement and exposed corruption in U.S. Customs since 11995.
    I am also former U.S. Secret Service, SDPD, U.S. Customs & Immigration(before DHS) and am very familiar with the "Good ole Boy" systems in place that circumvent even the best.
    I have also talked to some people on the "Cold Posse" Team and it is obvious what the Truth is. (I don't know why t's taken so long to expose it??)
    It is obvious that some very rich and powerful people are backing Barry Soetoro. Even when I mention Barry's REAL name and circumstances, Democrats suddenly go "DEAF" or play "STUPID".
    Folks,, you just can't fix "Stupid". In fact that is where you can say that "Democrats are a VERY special kind of Stupid"!
    They don't care who they put into the White House. That's because that man is NOT really in charge.
    If Kennedy were alive today, I'd go for Kennedy. But he and his Family have been killed off. NOT "Accidents".
    If it's too much of a coincidence it's NOT!. John Carman-Former Secret Service.

  21. I say its time to start from the top down and especially APAC need to go and be banned from Washington no matter how much they cry anti antisemitism.
    That little puke Joe Lieberman needs to go too.
    Bloomberg Soros there bank accounts money should be frozen they Froze many after Sept 11 now they need to find the enemy of the Country and tak em down one at a time


    British National Archives show a son was born to Obama Sr. in 1961 in Kenya
