Zev Porat

Thursday, April 11, 2013

‘Missing prophecy’ reveals future of Israel

Subject: 'Missing prophecy' reveals future of Israel

Michael D. Shoesmith
Social Networking Director
Ministry Coordinator

1 comment:

  1. 1983 is when a group of world's elite met in Dallas and platted a step by step coup d'etat of the world First was the formation of a company called Sungard whihc controls most of the digitized money of the world ( how much actual cash does any one have on them any more?) The in 1988 Affiliated Computer services and all their interlocking companies which began a systematic process of getting the govt contracts to control the flow of information in govts of the world. Most of our records are in their control now. CAFTA has put China under? Laws were passed giving them almost complete immunity and not subject to internal audit control.Congress gave up oversight in the process. Then high level officers in agencies would receive huge amounts of monies appropriated and never use them for the intended purpose and none knows where they have gone? We aren't broke, we've been robbed! I've delved into this in detail myself as it came to light in our own personal struggle for life and livelihood and tracking monies awarded for me, disappeared?etc after going to the Federal Reserve to be transferred to agencies for me or for my care. At medciare one claims were turned into 17 and monies sent to Fed and ? ( all monies to any person or entity or between agencies goes to the Fed and they send them on out. Who really is in charge of this? Who controls the Fed? The CEO is only a hired hand. But talks are reported underway for many of these major corporations which are financially interlocked ( not well known) to go private by buying back their publicly traded stock and if the stock market drops, they may have the money to do this. ( with our money?) Then not even the SEC or govt officials, not Congress will be able to know who is really in charge. This is not a world govt of and by and for the people; its a beast system and from which, I believe, the Anti- Christ will emerge whomever it gives final and total power to. We may or may not know who he is yet. But thanks to PPSIMMONS for helping us keep watch. The Devil is an imitator and may well create a sacrificial lamb for him to incarnate?. Linda Joy Adams
