Monday, April 8, 2013

RECAP: Stunning New Revelations from Lt. Mike Zullo - Obama Fraud Case

COLD CASE POSSE  - Obama Fraud Case

On Friday April 5, 2013 - Carl Gallups of Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups interviewed Mike Zullo, Lead Investigator, with the Sheriff Arpaio Cold Case Posse. The interview was conducted over an hour and half portion of Carl's show. Zullo and Gallups promised stunning new revelations in the case ... and in spite of the Obamabot naysayers and, apparently, those incapable of intelligently discerning spoken information - Gallups and Zullo delivered on the promise!

Below is a recap of the revelations:

1. Within the last 2 days before the interview, Zullo confirmed that brand new information had been received in the investigation which bolstered the legal evidence of the long form birth certificate being a 100% fabricated and fraudulent document. The information came, unexpected, from a professional source of the investigation, and is irrefutable.

2. Within the last couple of days before the interview, Zullo  had several lengthy meetings with VIPS who have promised to soon bring this case forward in an "official" manner. The VIPS are of "standing" and have the authority to bring the case forward. They have promised full public exposure to the case, the evidence, and to the hopeful ends of a full and official "hearing" of the matter.

3. A definitive "plan of action" is now being formulated with several VIPS to make number 3 above happen as soon as possible.

4. Several other VIPS have now scheduled meetings with Zullo and are expected to come on board with the exposure process.

5. Zullo revealed for the FIRST TIME publicly that a "certified" source of legal investigation has now "signed off" on the CCP investigation and has declared the evidence to be 100% accurate and the document in question to be a complete fabricated fraud upon the American people. This source is certified to testify in Federal Courts throughout the nation.

6. Gallups identified that at least one VIP has reneged on their promise of further meetings and investigations. Gallups is promising to "out" this VIP very soon. Gallups attests that he possesses the email trail from the office of the VIP proving that the VIP planned to participate in the evidence examination. The VIP is now claiming that their office never planned to be a part of that meeting - even though the email evidence specifically indicates otherwise. In other words - the VIP lied and Gallups says he can prove it.

7. Zullo says the public disclosure of the evidence and the push for definitive legal action may take from 3 - 6 months depending upon the "plan of action" that is being formulated by the VIPS who are already on board and the VIPS that they are trying to bring on board with them in this matter. Further VIP meetings are being scheduled at this time. 

For those wanting "specifics" of the above - we will have to wait until it is all made public. This is no small matter. This is a criminal case of monumental and historical magnitude. Zullo, Arpaio, Gallups, et. al. are not about to leak out the specifics of the investigation and especially names of the VIPS who are now, finally, promising action in this case.

The Obamabots would LOVE for Zullo or Gallups to "slip up" or be "bullied" into releasing more information...but Gallups and Zullo are much too smart for those tactics. The Obamabots would love to know the specifics, the evidence, and the names of the VIPS so they could attack them and start a disinformation campaign. But they cannot do either - because they simply do not know what the CCP is now in possession of. The Obamabots are going crazy.

Gallups and Zullo are asking people to be patient. The bottom line, they say, is that this case is now further along and closer to being publicly dealt with than ever before. These things take time - but Gallups and Zullo have promised that they are not going away until the case is "heard" or until the VIPS are "outed" for reneging on promises to deal with the matter. Gallups and Zullo have promised, one way or the other - the truth will be disseminated to the world.

Yes...Mike Zullo and the CCP are asking for your donations. Yes - they are asking for them without shame. The donations are the only source of funding in the investigation, travel and future expenses. Many of you ask: How can we help?  Gallups and Zullo say: PRAY - and donate! 



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. i wish i could donate but i pray something gets the SOB out of office!

  3. Here is another reason to donate -
    In 2011, economist Kyle Bass interviewed a senior member of the Obama administration about its planned solutions for fixing the US economy and trade deficit. This senior administration official said “We’re just going to kill the dollar.”
    So that is their longterm goal. So there it is. Outright treason.

    1. They need to "kill the dollar" in order to go "global" with a new one-world currency. That's been the plan for quite some time.

      We need to remember though that Obama is a PUPPET. He was chosen because he is a person of color and can relate to Muslims. With him in place and the "race card" used as often as possible, the elite can get done much more than with some liberal, Leftwing white person.

      Yes, Mr. O can be replaced but with WHOM? Biden? They would need another Leftwing Marxist person of color to be able to push as fast as they HAVE been pushing.

      Mr. O's policies are not that different from Bill Clinton's but he was white. The Left couldn't play the race card, but with Mr. O, they've become professional race card players.

  4. Why would anybody think that eliminating OJUDASS from the face of the earth would be worse than destroying this country and destroying over 300 million lives at the same time. NOBODY on the planet is that important. Why is it that the opposition powers that be won't take action. There's MORE than enough evidence to arrest and incarcerate OJUDASS for eternity, yet people sit with arms folded and do nothing. Where in God's name have our priorities gone. Why can't people see that there are sinister forces behind this fiasco. Expose them for what they are and annihilate them out of existence. Who really is afraid of the big bad wolf ??????? I'M NOT !

  5. All I can say is I hate that I lived this long to see my country so shaken. But now that I have, I pray I live long enough to see the wanna be dictator stripped of his office, pension and all his ill gotten money, to include what remains of his book deals; and deported in shame back to from wherever he came.

    I'd like to see him stricken from the history books as a president and his presidential number be given to the next FAIRLY elected president.

    Biden can go to jail for his roll along with Obama's circle of minions. This is one time the chain must be broken in the presidential succession process. None are worthy.

    1. My understanding, if Obama goes so does Biden as the entire ticket would be null and void since Obama is ineligible to run, and Obama should never be on the ticket to begin with. P and VP run as a pair.

  6. Come folks wake up and realize that absolutely nothing is going to be done. I admire all those that are fighting to get Obama out of office, but it just isn't going to happen.

    1. "Unknown:"

      Are you repeating the new line that Obama's minions are told to speak? It sure sounds as if this is a new twist to the old pro-Obama propaganda.

      And, you are commenting with an anonymous name. Why should anyone even take you seriously? You act as though Obama is untouchable. And, you make a prediction without any evidence to substantiate your gloomy assertion.

  7. i do appreciate zullo and Arpaio's efforts - but we should all understand that OBAMA is NOT the real problem - he is just a "point man" - a front - for the real powers-that-be --- which are hidden in the shadows, so to speak,
    Obama just reads a teleprompter well and looks good and they can use his being black as a means to attack anyone by calling you a racist if you disagree with him.
    if it wasnt all so evil - I would say that the people/demoic powers that are making everything go the way it is - they are genious -

  8. If this doesn't work, how about we start promoting plan B?:

    That the next non-Democrat president (hopefully conservative cuz no GOPer will do this) vow that within the first 100 days of his presidency, he will issue an EO releasing all the documents suppressed by PutzOTUS.

    Admittedly this is vengeance but all's fair in politics as the saying goes.

    1. What executive order, exactly, surppressed all of President Obama's records?

  9. Yet the State of Hawaii verifies that all of the data in both the long form, and short form are valid. Whole you pretend you are detecting "forgeries", President Obama continues to try to fix 8 years of Bush-Cheney damage.

  10. Wow, AMJ. Are you really THAT far behind the curve on this matter? Good grief.

  11. Our present Congress surely cant be so stupid that don't know that Obama isn't a legitimate president. Are they just lazy and dont want to bother or have their souls been bought and paid for???

  12. Hate to say it, boys and girls, but I believe POTUS WAS born in the US. After reading his "autobiography"--which I understand was written by Bill Ayers--I'm convinced that his name isn't Obama. According to the book, when the elder Obama died, Barry was unable to claim any portion of the old man's estate because Stanley Ann had no proof the two were related. Unless Hawaii was hiding his birth certificate back in the 1980's--which I doubt--the birth certificate would only be useless as proof if the baby's name wasn't Obama. This would explain all of the fake ID he uses, the sealed records etc...

  13. More than a month has passed since this article was posted, and the "stunning new revelations" have NOT been revealed. Ever wonder why not???

  14. Continue the great work, Mr. Zullo
