Tuesday, April 30, 2013

REVEALING! Major 'Obamabot' Players Going CRAZY Over Zullo and Gallups Announcement!


From PPSIMMONS - our latest post on the Obama Fraud case (http://www.ppsimmons.blogspot.com/2013/04/latest-4-29-13-more-vips-on-board-with.html) has caused quite a stir among the Obamabots. They are leaving tons of comments under the post, but we are simply deleting them. Why? Because the comments are inane and the Obamabots are simply attempting to gather supporters to their forums by riding the sweeping wave of popularity of the PPSIMMONS news and ministry sites. We will not allow them to use PPSIMMONS for free and worldwide advertising for their disinformation campaign.

We did however, want to share with you an example of the type of mindless, uniformed, and panicked responses we are getting. The following example is the exact wording of a post from one of the major and national leaders of the Obamabot disinformation campaign.

LATEST! (4-29-13) MORE VIPS ON BOARD with Obama Fraud Case!

Wow, by now you have at least 10 groups of VIPs, none of whom can be named. And no suspect, at least not one who can be named. And you're talking about federal prosecution, but Zullo isn't even a real cop and has no federal authority at all. And you've never even said what federal law you think the President broke. Is that secret, too?

You keep saying it's going to come to light, but you're concealing more than Obama himself is. He made a birther joke in public just a few days ago. He thinks YOU'RE a joke, because you are.

Birthers: Making trailer trash look intelligent since 2008.


1. The Obamabot has math problems. He cannot do simple addition. Not only do we not have "at least 10 groups of VIPs" but a quick look at our posts will reveal that Zullo and Gallups have now made contact with and have commitments from four groups. Also they have commitments from several VIP individuals. They are hoping, of course, that the results of these meetings and evidence presentations will result in many more VIPs coming on board. So -the Obamabot post starts with an exaggeration and statement of misinformation designed to be marginalizing.

2. No suspect? Actually, that is not true. There are several "persons of interest." But, the Obamabot is correct - Zullo and Gallups are NOT giving names. This is a criminal investigation and prosecution. More than anything the disinformation campaign organizers want this information. They will not get it from Zullo and Gallups. It simply will not happen.

3. Zullo isn't even a real cop?   Really?  Hmmm. Listen to Mike Zullo give his credentials, background, experience, and official capacity in this recording of a live national broadcast....  http://www.1330weby.com/media/com_podcastmanager/FreedomFriday/2013/4-05/Segment3.mp3. It seems the Obamabot (leader of the pack?) does not do his homework, nor does he care for the details of truth when they are not convenient for him.


4. What federal law?  There are several. It is not our place to name specific statutes. The prosecuting authorities will have ample expertise in that area. The Obamabot need not concern himself with this detail.

5. "You're concealing more than Obama himself is."    Very telling!  First of all - yes, important investigation details are being concealed. Zullo and Gallups have been clear about this and the reasons for it. Zullo and Gallups are much smarter than to fall for the silly little 7th grade games of "betcha won't tell me your information" tactics.  The Obamabots really are approaching this matter from a very juvenile level. Secondly, notice that the Obamabot admits that Obama is concealing information!  Very revealing indeed!  Thank you sir.

6. Obama made a birther joke.   So what?  That is usually one of the first responses of a guilty party. It is also a documented Alinsky - type tactic.  No surprise there. We could care less what Obama thinks is funny. The joke will soon be on him and those around him.


7. Trailer Trash?   Another very telling statement. Name calling usually means you are losing the argument. It also means that you cannot compete in the arena of facts. It also reveals how this "progressive, liberal, Obama supporter" really feels about the millions upon millions who live in mobile homes...they are trash?  Hmmm.  Now, there is something to consider. Elitism much?

Stay tuned to PPSIMMONS and Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups - we will keep you exclusively informed of all the latest breaking information. You will hear it here FIRST!

http://www.carlgallups.com                            Carl Gallups' website
http://www.carlgallups.com/freedomfriday      FREEDOM FRIDAY WITH CARL GALLLUPS

DONATE to the Cold Case Posse Investigation here: (No taxpayer funds are being used in the investigation - only contributions from patriots across the nation)

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  1. When they call me names I just picture a pouty little kid kicking the dirt because he didn't get his way. LOL

    Take THIS:

  2. I have been working on the Obama usurpation issue for five years. Obama IS GUILTY of having usurped the Presidency "in time of war".That makes Obama a Spy under the UCMJ 902.102

  3. Are the Obamabots US citizens?? I feel they are not. Since how can real citizens stand in support of fraud, just to prop up one lame-duck individual??? It is as if the individual is more important than your country.. Besides, how many citizens now really want to prop up the biggest mistakes they have ever voted into office?? I don't think there are many. So, this leader of Obamabots might be a vermin called Holder or it might be Mochelle or Obamanation himself!! All others are sick and tired and just they don't have the courage to do or say anything when they have realised that US is being run by a dangerous crime syndicate.

  4. These definitive results of years of validation of fraud, still understate a question
    posed to the Progressive Liberals, years ago. WHY, has Obama paid tens of
    thousands of dollars a year, to keep ALL his records from the public eye ?
    Not one Liberal has yet produced or fabricated a plausible "reason". The
    answer is obvious: His scholastic records can NOT be altered or forged and
    would clearly prove that Obama was a "Foreign Exchange Student". Simple.
    Keep the pressure on and millions will continue to hold out hope that
    this "issue" is not buried, as so many other Obama actions.

  5. I have been following this since day one. I have posted to numerous site give info on this Usrper. Many bits of info to the Cold Case Posse and others. mostly on his Foreign dual Citizenship, British Subject by Birth, Kenyan at age 4 when they gained their Independence. Then any Citizenship he had was renounced to become a Citizen of Indonesia and latter dropped from his mothers US Passport. He become Barry Soretoro went back to the US and attend High School there, known to all his classmates as Barry. What does his Diploma and year Book say? Attended Occidental know as Barry up until Columbia, there is a Columbia Foreign Student ID, I can't verify it is legit. My question is when did he LEGALLY change his name back to Barrack from Barry? He was dis-Barred for Lying about that in Illinois on his Law Documents. He is not a Natural Born Citizen as defined by the Constitution Articles for Presidency, there is a difference between a Citizen and a Natural Born Citizen.

  6. The whole Zullo thing sounds like rubbish, he has nothing and keeps making excuses. The "VIP's" is laughable BS. Until he give names, dates, and actions its all just a long money beg.

    1. Don't like the investigation or Obamabot yourself?

  7. I truly would like an ip list of the bot posters... I think it would be interesting to see how many of em are coming from Obummers own paid for disinformation campaigns ... and have a machine that can do 100k+ lookups an hour

  8. Thanks for these updates. This article alone is a prime example of what Obamazombies do when they are unarmed with actual facts. To start with, anyone that calls Mike Zullo and the CCP "birthers" is suffering from extreme ignorance on the topic. 2nd, to try and discredit a criminal investigation and the investigators because the information is being protected for the time being and on a "need to know" basis is typical of the common dimwit that doesn't understand the investigation process or the reasons names and critical evidence be suppressed during the process of building a solid case and maximizing the odds of a successful prosecution. 3rd, What "federal law" was broken? This buffoon could start with Article Two of the U.S. Constitution, then combine forgery and a few others.

    Mike Zullo is going about this in superb fashion, keeping the details of the evidence available only to VIP's whom can and will bring this to justice. BRAVO!

  9. I'm afraid that by the time these folks hav presentable documentation on this subject, Odummy will already be drawing his Presidential pension...I'm just saying...I don't feel that Congress has the guts to prosecute Odummy for any reason...they've all got "big skeletons" in their closets and they don't want them parading around the Halls of Congress...

  10. The greastest and a most treasonable crime is the theft of the Presidency and the offices and power Obama has miss appropriated through his appointments. The cowardess of the legitimate Supreme Court Justices is going to make the correction of this mess most messy indeed. I hope this does not have to be resolved through armed conflict. The amount of verifiable documentation on Obama's lack of standing to run for the Presidency has from the beginning been overwhelming. The main stream media has been criminal in their propagation of the lie and fraud that has placed an ilegal alien (Indonesian Candidate born in Kenya) in the Presidency.

  11. The first crime is impersonating a U.S. Citizen for the purpose of fraudulently being elected president of the USA. 2. Treason as defined in article 3 of the Constitution To start war with America, to aid it's enemies. He has had his own military killed, he has Al qaeda in supplying them with weapons to undermine other governments. Last time I checked Al Qaeda were terrorist against the U.S. 3. He is intentionally engaged our military in illegal wars & printing $billions a month to devalue the dollar and collapse the U.S. Government Financially. In my opinion THE SECRET SERVICE ought to do the right thing like Obama has done to many of his critics they ought to put him and his entire family to RIP. Is there not 1 Secret Service agent that loves this country enough to take him out??????????
