Thursday, April 25, 2013

SHOCKER! Alabama Democratic Party Submits Different Obama Birth Certificate In Ballot Challenge Appeal

Posted on Thursday, April 25, 2013 1:21:53 PM by Cold Case Posse Supporter

In a unusual rare move, the Alabama Democratic Party has submitted a amicus brief in the McInnish Goode v Chapman Appeal case. The reason being is most likely because the Alabama Supreme Court has Chief Justice Roy Moore presiding over it. He supported Lt. Col. Terry Lakin during his court martial. Another worry for them is another justice named Tom Parker. He once opined in a prior McInnish case:

"McInnish has attached certain documentation to his mandamus petition, which, if presented to the appropriate forum as part of a proper evidentiary presentation, would raise serious questions about the authenticity of both the "short form" and the "long form" birth certificates of President Barack Hussein Obama that have been made public."

This has reasons for the Alabama Democratic Party to be alarmed. In the amicus brief, the Alabama Democratic Party attacked the merits of the appeal, calling the evidence submitted by McInnish "inadmissible and not worthy of belief" and stated:

"A county sheriff from Arizona is not an "official source" of anything in Alabama."

One thing that stands out in the amicus brief filed, specifically on page 33 is something new. It's a Barack Obama long form birth certificate that has a different backing, something not seen before. It's not the normal security paper backing that the Hawaii Dept. Of Health has been using. It is raising a lot of questions that even has Obama supporters baffled. Click on the link and scroll to page 33 of the brief to see the birth certificate.


  1. They think those affidavits from the Hawaian Honcho is all that's needed to prove that there is an original. It won't.

  2. another forged Birth record ?, if the Hawaiian Governor cant find the Original Microfilms to prove these are real, what have they got, but more people faking documents we can HANG

  3. Have Mike Zullo and Sheriff Arpaio give a updated affidavit or Amicis Brief. According to Carl Gallup as well as Mike Zullo, doesn't the Cold Case Posse have a certified document examiner who testifies in court has signed off the Obama Birth Certificate as a 100% forgery?

    Will Zullo coordinate with Klayman on this case? With Judge Roy Moore on the bench, there might actually be a chance for success. But Moore needs to know facts, see the evidence, and review the arguments that destroy the other parties case.

  4. The Amicus Brief gives Klayman quite a bit to work with. Inconsistent statements from Hawaii Officials, defective and legally misleading verifications.

    Klayman should also consider this:

    Hawaii claims the White House Obama Birth Certificate is legit and has given verifications to that affect.

    However, Sheriff Arpaio's Cold Case Posse has proved otherwise.

    And also consider this fact:

    In a dismissed New Jersey ballot challenge brought on by Mario Apuzzo, Apuzzo was able to get the Obama lawyer to stipulate in open court that White House Obama Birth Certificate in NO WAY proves that Obama was born in Hawaii. In fact, the lawyer stipulated in open court that no evidence existed that showed Obama was born in Hawaii. This was a stipulation made by Obama's OWN LAWYER. Contact Mario Apuzzo to learn more.

    1. Mario's blog....

    2. You are all over Mario's blog. Maybe Mario has an interest in filing an amicus brief too. Remember, Judge Roy Moore is the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme court. His influence can be very powerful. Judge Moore has long supported efforts to settle the answer regarding Obama's eligiblity.

  5. The other side argues mootness. Believe it or not Obama CAN serve as POTUS an unlimited amount of times. (I know this will frighten birthers.) Well the first thing people will say, it what about the 22nd Amendment?
    "No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice..."
    Notice the 2 key words "elected" and "President"
    Barack Obama can be elected as VICE PRESIDENT and ultimately SERVE as POTUS through Presidential sucession.

    Because of this Obama could very well appear on the Alabama ballot as a Vice President pick. (Electoral votes apply to the vice as well.)

    Obama is fairly young and this could very well happen.

    Therefore the case is not moot therefore needs to resolved on the merits.

  6. On the eve of the 2nd anniversary of the counterfeit COLB I've posted one of my most scathing assaults yet on the presidency of B. Obama and the reign of his silent facilitators. Title: AMERICA'S PROGRESSIVE GANGRENE
    If you need to keep your blood pressure down, do not read this latest post at obama-

    A. R. Nash

  7. Some Obot has said that Butterdezillion from was thinking about filing an amicus brief. Can't confirm this though. Just blog talk.

  8. Obama is President of the US Corporation, which does not care where their president is born. They do not follow the original constitution of our founding fathers, they have one of their own. You can't impeach a CEO of a corporation.

  9. Every discussion of the fake obama birth cert on the whitehouse dot gov site should show the 9 layers, displayed or printed separately.
    Then talk.
    Opening the PDF in Adobe Illustrator will allow you to see the 9 layers.
    to cut to the chase... they confirm that the final view is composed of multiple documents. typefaces do not match, resolutions vary, signatures are assembeled and a smiley face has been added to the registrars offical stamp.
    only sheeple believe.

  10. Hey James, that was a good point about Obama's own attorney stipulating that Obama's birth certificate didn't prove that Obama was actually born in Hawaii. Attorney Alexandra Hill made that stipulation in order to prevent Mr. Apuzzo from calling an expert witness who would have testified that the White House birth certificate was a forgery and that the original paper birth certificate needed to be examined.

    There was yet another version of the White House birth certificate in Mississippi: "The thing that’s really damaging for Onaka is a recent case that Orly had in Mississippi... I have a copy of the letter that Onaka signed, and he certified it with the old seal on it and he said, “Included is a copy of the PDF copy that was released by the White House.” But it wasn’t. They had deliberately changed the RGB values to try to erase the white halo around the type and the lines. They altered the PDF, which means they had to have access to the original Adobe Photoshop file. So there’s a connection between Alvin Onaka and the forger."

    The Democrats new long form birth certificate still has the happy face and the misspelled "TXE" in Onaka's official stamp at the bottom. How valid is that? (And the "TXE" is not a OCR error because in the White House PDF file the registrar's stamp was linked from another source, scaled 24%, and rotated -90 degrees.)

    Hawaii's so-called verification was really a non-verification. For 8 weeks Hawaii refused the AZ SOS request to verify a printed copy of the birth certificate on the White House website. When Hawaii finally issued a letter, it just said that some of the information "matches." Hawaii refused to verify to Arizona or Kansas that the White House birth certificate was a valid copy of the original. See

    For more on the birth certificate fraud, see

    And what about Obama's official bio that for 17 years proudly claimed that he was "born in Kenya". And there are the youtube videos of Michelle saying her husband is a Kenyan. Obama didn't change his bio until after he decided to run for the presidency.

    So Obama stated that he was born in Kenya, had Indonesian citizenship, his father was a British subject, and all of his identity records are fraudulent. That pretty much disqualifies Obama as a natural born citizen (NBC) under Article 2 of the Constitution. NBC was defined in the US Senate by S 511 which was cosponsored by Senator Obama. You can't impeach a usurper--just arrest the usurper because he is not the POTUS. See the 10 reasons that Obama is a usurper:

    1. Very Good D Smith. I believe Orly Taitz has brought this up in her Mississippi Suit. Klayman has lot to work with in crafting a response. If he could get an updated affidavit or amicus brief from Mike Zullo or Sheriff Arpaio that would be a great great help. Time is of the essense concerning Arpaio and the Cold Case Posse. There is the possibility Arpaio could be recalled and if that happens the Cold Case Posse investigation is dead in the water -

      Still Klayman has the challenge of even getting the Alabama Supreme Court to consider the merits. It can be argued that this could a reoccuring issue worthy of review because Obama could run as Vice President and be on the ballot for electoral votes. The 22nd Amendment only states a PRESIDENTIAL (Not Vice) candidate cannot be ELECTED more than twice and that Obama can still serve as POTUS through Presidential succession (If the POTUS were to die and Obama was VICE, he would be the President without being elected. Further, Obama could one day be Speaker of House and thus 3rd in line for the POTUS.)

  11. When Obama Etc. Leave Office!

    When Obama administration officials and members of Congress retire from office, there will be no place on earth where they can hide from those who wish to belatedly express their "appreciation," in tangible ways, to those who tried to destroy the greatest nation ever!
