Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Currency of God

By Rev. Joda Collins
Official Contributor for PPSIMMONS

Isaiah 55:1 reads, "...everyone that thirsts, come to the waters, and he that has no money; come and buy, and and milk...without price."  

Two necessities of life are bread and water.  "Bread" is a symbol of sufficient food.  Jesus said, "Give us this day our daily bread." (Matthew 6:11).   Daily "bread" is shorthand for "food, in general."  Jesus speaks of himself as the "water of life." (John 4:14).  Obviously, without water there is no physical life.  Jesus is making the analogy that without Him, a person has no valid (godly) "spiritual life."  Wine and milk represent provision beyond the basics; a generous supply of "extras."  

Isaiah speaks of spiritual thirst, spiritual water, spiritual milk, spiritual wine, spiritual hunger and spiritual bread.  Further, he tells us that God offers all of these things for purchase without money.  The person with no money has as much access to the things of God for his or her soul as does the richest individual on Earth.  God is not impressed with man's cash. 

Isaiah 55:2 through 12 reads, "...hear, and your soul shall live...I will make a...covenant with you....Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call upon his name while he is near....Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon shall go out with joy and be led...with peace.  Verse 13 denotes that the "myrtle tree" will replace "thorns" in our lives.  In other words, "God's blessings replaces Satan's curses," in our lives.

Isaiah tells us that God offers good things, spiritual water, milk, wine, bread, joy, peace and blessings.  These things are not bought with the money that nations make, but by seeking God's righteousness in our lives. The currency of God is not the money of man, but seeking the heart of God and living right before a holy God.  The currency of man cannot buy anything from the storehouse of God, but any Christian can be laden with the currency of God and with that currency, we can buy from God as much as we want. 

Jesus said the same thing this way, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33). 
Rev. Joda Collins
Milton, FL

The opinions and theology expressed in this devotion are mine and should not taken as reflecting the opinions and theology of anyone else.

All quotes are from the KJV, with slight changes to update language for easier reading. 

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