Zev Porat

Sunday, April 28, 2013

WND author, CBN expose Hitler's hatred of Christians

Everyone knows German dictator Adolf Hitler hated Jews and tried to exterminate them, killing an estimated 6 million in some of the most twisted, evil strategies ever to be executed by the human race.

He also hated Gypsies and other groups.


But WND author Ray Comfort, whose "Hitler, God and the Bible" addresses the religious standards and failings of Hitler points out Hitler also devised a master strategy to crush all Christian churches.

In a special Christian Broadcasting Network program, Comfort cites the head of Hitler Youth, Boldur von Schirach, who said, "Destruction of Christianity was explicitly recognized as a purpose of the National Socialist Movement."

Show host Gordon Robertson explains that Germany's economy and political quagmire after World War I left the people hoping for a savior.

Along came Hitler, preaching a message of hope and change, restoring the glory, loving neighbors and taking a stand against violence.

Comfort explained, however, that it would be either ignorant or disingenuous to call Hitler a Christian.

After all, Hitler rewrote the Bible to remove references to Jesus as a Jew and inserted his own "commandments" in place of the "Ten Commandments," including "Honor your fuhrer and master." He edited the Lord's Prayer to reference himself and had school children sing a hymn, "For Hitler we live, For Hitler we die."

MUCH MORE HERE: http://www.wnd.com/2013/04/wnd-author-cbn-expose-hitlers-hatred-of-christians/

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